Untitled Part 6

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Dinner was good.

Navin try to ignore his brother Sankar.

Sankar was there with his wife Mitra and their four kids.

So much talk about the wedding was going on and that bothered Sankar that he wasn't the center of attention so he decided to start something to ruin it.

Avery already didn't like Sankar from the stories he heard but today he was meeting him and he was right to hate him.

"So Avery I see you're not Indian or a girl "Said Shankar.

"I'm a Korean American and a boy. "Said Avery.

"I don't know what my foolish brother sees in you seeing that he should be marrying a Indian girl. "Said Shankar.

Navin was about to talk when Avery stopped him.

"Sankar is it I know a lot about you, selfish, self centered, sexist, misogynist, homophobic and with a constant need for control, treated like a prince his whole life that no one really told you off before let me be first to say guys like you are why people like the lgbtqia community and women are still fighting for rights in this country and others because you guys the rich office worker with the perfect life type who were the golden boy in your family don't like when your world is shaken, I'm marrying your brother but whether you're invited remains to be seen. "Said Avery.

Everyone was shocked.

Some people wanted to be angry but others wanted to say thank you one being Shakti.

"How dare you. "Said Shankar.

"Avery is right also you're not invited to the wedding, your wife is those because she hasn't done anything wrong to anyone. "Said Navin.

"Shankar I want a divorce also I will get full custody of the kids also I only was arranged to marry you because my parents wanted me to be straight ."Said Mitra.

Shankar was shocked. 

Kavitha was angry that her party was ruin but her husband had a good laugh and return caused her to laugh a little.

Avery already had Samira's approval well he doesn't know if he has it yet but Kavitha approved because of how bold and smart Avery is and she blames herself for how Sankar acted.

 Avery and Navin went home and felt better.

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