Untitled Part 3

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The next day Avery was at work.

He works at a fancy high end restaurant.

He had a lot on his mind.

He would be cooking dinner tomorrow for both his and Navin's family plus some of their friends for the engagement party.

He said he would do it because he just wants the approval of Samira.

He has the approval of Shakti even has the approval of Pankaj but if you earn Samira's approval then you're lucky.

Avery was scared and worried.

During the dinner.

Avery was tired and just wanted to go to bed.

He made Korean food, Indian food and food for the more American foodie.

He drunk some coffee and had a blue muffin for breakfast so he was awake.

Dinner went well.

There was a game to see who know the two grooms the best.

The winner was a friend of theirs and her prize was a gift card.

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