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    Johnathan is suffering in extreme pain like hell torture. The more he kept walking, the more feeble he gets. He keep on speeding up his inner physical until he finally reach the edge of the cliff that he fell down lying on the ground. He forced his hands to take the potion and he drinking it until it's empty. His heart slowly getting worsen as it stops. His physical slowly stop moving and the organs damaged in a painful way that he bleeding out from his mouth. He closes his eyes as he finally released his last breath.

    The dark and pitch black vision in his sleep seems to never ever shine again and it feels like, he's already disappear in ashes. Somehow, the pitch black turns to started to shine slowly while his body feeling the extreme pain as beyond hell torture. He screams his lungs out loud for more than hours straight as the pain roaming down his whole body and everything else. He gets up from the dead and he put his arms on his chest while he keep on screaming in extreme pain. The young man moans, groans and in the next level screaming and screaming for longest period due to the god level of pain keep on torturing him.

     The night cloud keep on crossing across the moon and the whole physical appearance of full moon. As the full moon comes and shines brighter, the louder and more sadist the painful torture that the poor young man Johnathan got through as a result of evolution into what will he becomes. His albino pale skin turns to be paler to the palest, the hideous looking sharp nails like knives growing out from his fingers in sadistic way, his teeth suddenly popped out from the gum and dropped on the ground replacing it with pointy and sharp fangs, his plump lips turns to be bright brownish color and last but not least, he opened his eyes and the lenses turns to be bright yellow as a sign of reborn of evolution as vampire.

  He began growls in bone chilling voice and he screams his voice out loud in vampire hybrid cord. He kept on sensing the whole thing surrounding him and he can disappear in one second like a flash. The thing that left behind are just bunch of bats flying away after the disappearance.

Mister Vampire ( Johnyong au)Where stories live. Discover now