Tae's POV

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Y/n left as I waved goodbye. She always left for work while I stayed at home. I helped around the house and did my work too as a artist or well singer it's also pretty hard. Anyways I was hoping Y/n would remember our anniversary like I did and yes we did have a fight and every thing and am still guilty of that. But am very sorry and I should also say sorry to my friends. 

Am so guilty of that. "Namjoon H-Hyung" I said as I called him "Oh Yes Taehyung" He asked Worried since I don't stutter when I talk to him. "I just wanted to say that am so so so sorry for what happened yesterday it very wrong of me" I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

 "Tae listen It's okay we understand you didn't mean anything and the other members already said they forgive you" he said calm as I smiled "thank you namjoon hyung and I fixed everything with Y/n yesterday too" I said but than I heard someone over the phone "oooo~ I didn't know you were like that Tae" Jimin said in his flirty voice. "J-Jimin! Me and Y/n Didn't do those thing!" I whined as my face turned bright red.

 "I'm just teasing you Tae" He laughed as the other members laughed with him  "hyungs!" I whined as they stopped laughing after words. "Ummmm I need your help" I said a bit nervous "Yeah what's up" they all asked. "It's me and Y/n's anniversary today" I said as they smiled widely "Oh we will help you with that" they said as they hung up.

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