Chapter One

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Morning in the forest. The sun is slowly rising up to the sky.

The warm breeze is playing on the water smoothness of the lake.

The still sleepy world gradually comes to life.

Suddenly, all this calmness is cut by the sound of pawsteps. A shining in the sun grey pelt zipped into a cave, and vanished in the darkness.

"Am I just in time?"

"Yes, you are just in time. Give me those herbs."

"How are you feeling, Star?"

"I'm a bit worried about my pup... how will the pack accept it?"

"Wait, I will bring you calming herbs."

"No need, Luna. Congratulations, Star, it's a girl."

"My golden treasure," said Star.

"Star, she isn't golden," said Luna. "She's... white?"

Star looked at her treasure. She just saw that the pup was not golden, brown, grey or black. It was white. White, like the clouds in the sky on a sunny weather.

"I don't care what colour she is! She's my daughter."


"Are you having something against my daughter, what colour she is?! It isn't her fault she was born white! Do you understand?"

"Calm down, Star. Luna wanted to say that not everyone in the pack may get to know her. I mean, do you remember those stories our parents told us in our puphood? About that white wolves bring bad luck to the pack? Well, me, Luna, Silver Fang and you do not believe in these stupid tales but... I'm sure that those who believe in them will be found in the pack. So we need to think how to protect the pup from them."

"You're right, Ivy... you're always right... sorry, Luna."

"No trouble. With who it can't be?"

"But how will we protect my pup?"

"We will think about that. And you need to rest. Luna, bring some calming herbs to Star."

"Sure, Ivy."

"Luna, Ivy wait! Can you tell Silver Fang that I thought of a name for the pup, and I want him to name her with this name?"

"Sure, I'll tell him. What name do you want to give her?"

"Misty. Because she's white like a cloud."

"Here, I brought the herbs," said Luna.

"Perfect... Luna, stay with Star in case of if Misty will wake up. It's the pup's name."

"But I can't I need to tell-"

"I will tell Silver Fang about the pup."

"Fine," said Luna.

"Fine," said Luna

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Runaway - Series 1Where stories live. Discover now