Chapter Twelve

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A silver she-wolf with sleek fur walked through a blooming meadow. She stopped and sat down. A brown she-wolf was running towards her.

"Diamond? How was the journey?" she asked.

"It was great," the silver she-wolf sighed. "Ivy, what happened in the pack recently?"

"Red Foot ran away from the camp for some reason," Ivy said. "She didn't come back for long. After she came back, she told Sol about her plan. I heard all of this. After that, they became mates. When I realised they were expecting pups, I saw strange dreams. After their son, Thistle, was born, I received a prophecy..."

Diamond froze right after Ivy said that last sentence. She saw exactly the same vision that Ivy had in her dreams.

"Now Thistle acts like a little alpha. He is bossing over the other pups. I even saw his father training him to fight and kill... But there is some hope."

Diamond looked into Ivy's yellow eyes.

"But for now, follow me. I'm going to introduce you to our pack, and I think you will be useful," said Ivy, and ran to the direction of the pack's camp. Diamond followed her.

Misty opened her eyes. She saw Daisy's soft brown fur in front of her.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" she exclaimed. "Today, we're going to hunt in groups!"

Misty sprang from her nest. Flame and the bear cubs were gathered around her. She yawned and looked into Daisy's eyes.

"Right now? How exciting!" she yapped.

"Blaze, Toby, hunt near the trees and the stream for honey, squirrels, birds and fish," Daisy began. "Snowball, Sunny, collect the sweet berries off the bushes. Misty, Flame, Dusty and Honey, come with me on the open field for larger prey."

Misty blinked in sign of agreement, and followed her. Flame, Dusty and Honey padded at her heels.

"I'm so excited! I didn't catch larger prey before!" exclaimed Flame.

Daisy and the cubs finally reached the field. Daisy sat down and looked into the distance.

"Look," she said to Misty, Flame, Dusty and Honey.

Misty looked. A young deer was walking through the tall green grass. It was looking around everywhere.

"It must have been lost from its herd," Daisy explained. "Lost deer are easy prey. Now, watch me."

Daisy turned her back on Misty and walked through the grass towards her target. Misty followed her. When they were just a few lengths away from the deer, Daisy stood up on her hind legs and swiped a paw at her target.

"Attack!" she yelled.

Misty leaped out of the grass and landed directly on the deer's shoulders. She bit its neck. The deer grunted and tried to shake the she-pup off. Flame, Dusty and Honey ran up and attacked it too. Flame bit its hind leg, Dusty hang on its throat, and Honey was swiping her claws at its shoulders.

Daisy gave it one final blow to the neck, and the deer fell onto the ground. While the cubs were weakening it, Daisy ended it with one single bite to the neck.

"Well done!" she said. "Now, let's find more prey, and catch it by yourselves.

Misty looked into the distance, and saw a plump grey rabbit munching on some grass. It was so satisfied it wasn't aware of the danger. Misty crouched down and crept up on it. Flame, Dusty and Honey followed.

As Dusty crept behind Honey Eye, a movement above her distracted her. She looked up and saw a brightly coloured butterfly fluttering above her. She forgot about the hunt and leapt up into the air, swiping her front paws at it. It fluttered away from her, and the grey she-pup ran after it, leaping at it sometimes and swiping her paws at it.

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