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Hello once again! And because I have no self control, we're once more meeting at the beginning of a new fanfiction!

This time- it's a Naruto SI/OC insert, because I've reading so many of those and can't help but have ideas. It's bad, I know. But I can't help that my brain has more ideas than I can write 90% of the time.

Anyway. You should know the drill by now. Few words of wisdom and you're off.

(By the way, check this out on AO3 if you want to read the tags and prefer to read it there!)

First off- Chakra is hacks. Just pure HACKS. Anyway you look at it- almost everybody IS or COULD BE ridiculously overpowered in some way. I mean seriously- just look at the the main characters. Because of this, My character is going to eventually be OP. Also- since she's reborn she has a better chance at learning new things faster, she WILL learn things faster.
Also. I wanted to write a badass OP female character that just wants to live her second life without any focus on a specific guy, and character development DEAR GOD. I love Naruto- but they did their female characters really dirty. I'm here to fix it to the best of my ability.
If you think she's too OP, you don't have to read the book. She's not going to be a Mary Sue exactly- but she WILL be OP.


So. You may have noticed back in the BIO some things said 'Classified'. There's a reason for that.

Spoilers. The reason is spoilers. That's pretty much the reason.



I...have no clue. Honestly- it could be anyone from A poly relationship with Naruto and Sasuke to a relationship with Kakashi later in Shippūden to someone totally left field like GAARA or KIBA. Hell. Even Sakura or Ino is a contender at this point tbh.

But- no matter what- there WILL be Naruto x Sasuke.

There just will be. Because I ship that with my whole freakin being.

Otherwise- Pairings probably won't be set in place until like AFTER the Chūnin Exams. I might even have y'all vote on it.



Okay. So. I have her about 5-6 months older than Naruto. Which means with the timeline I'm using..
She's twelve when they graduate but by the Chūnin Exams start- she's 13. So she's always gonna be SLIGHTLY older than the boys.

Kakashi is 26 in Canon at the beginning of Naruto. Honestly...if they do end up being together, She'll be like 17 anyways. Which is a 12 year age difference, roughly, which honestly...I'm not all that bothered about. At least not in this instance exactly.
Mostly because she's technically a 18 year old teenager growing up in a military village and getting trained into a child soldier to kill someone at 5 years old.

Also because- if people can ship Sakura x Kakashi, Naruto x Kakashi, and/or Sasuke x Kakashi with them ACTUALLY being mentally their age- I'm allowed to write my character already having an older teen mindset and being attracted to whoever she wants. (At an appropriate age obviously)

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