The Shop

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"I lifted a pen, I lifted my heart, I lifted you up," Punz sung out softly, putting his younger brother to sleep. He stood there for a minute, looking at Purpled and smiling. Then he heard a soft knock on the door, he looked over and smiled as Dream walking in, wrapping his arms around Punz's waist. Punz smiled and kissed Dream's cheek, Dream kissed Punz's lips and led him out of Purpled's room.

He softly closed the door and led Punz to the couch, kissing him softly and kissing around his neck. He laid on top of Punz and smiled softly, watching Punz's eyes.
"Babe I have to go to work," he groaned playfully.
"You mean WE have work?" he giggled.

Dream got up and prepared for his night shift at the cafe, Punz looked at him getting dressed and whistled playfully. Dream tsked and continue getting dressed, looking at his watch and speeding up his dressing.
"Want me to drive you baby?" Punz asked. Dream nodded and slowly slipped into little space.

Punz noted this and quickly grabbed his phone and dialed Dream's workplace, which was also his workplace. He then continued to lie through his teeth that Dream was sick, they understood and immediately called another for his shift.

Punz rushed back to Dream and picked him up, nuzzling his face into Dream's neck, whispering little words of affection. Dream buried his face into Punz's chest, smiling softly. Punz smiled in return and laid Dream on the couch, carefully putting a blanket over him and laying next to him.

Dream cuddled up to Punz, nuzzling up into Punz's hand as it stroked his cheek.
"Baby, you're ok, it's ok, I got you," he mumbled to Dream, kissing the top of his head. He then started to feel himself fall asleep.

He woke up, looking at Dream to see him sound asleep. He then looked at Purpled's door, seeing that it was closed, which led him to assume Purpled was asleep. He got up and got dressed into his Cafe uniform, quickly zipping up his apron and checking the time from his phone, immediately realizing he was almost late, running out the door.

He smiled as he entered the workplace, immediately getting himself to take orders. He was working until he saw his love and his baby brother walk in, Dream letting him run loose into the building. Dream came up to the counter and leaned on it.

"A table for two, a mocha frappe and a skim milk latte please," he said smoothly, knowing that punz loved his skim milk lattes. Punz nodded and kissed Dream's cheek, getting to work on the drinks. Dream got a table for the two of them, knowing Punz's break was right around the corner.
"Here you go, m'lady," Punz teased.

"Oh shut up," Dream said playfully, taking his drink from Punz and watching the other sit down. He smiled and sipped from his drink, watching Purpled pull up a chair to talk with his friends Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo.
"How do you feel baby?" Punz questioned.
"I feel better, I just felt vulnerable last night so I just slipped into little space and-"
"It's ok love, you don't have to explain," he said.

Dream smiled and they continued to have their coffee peacefully. Purpled was talking with his friends, and life was just at a perfect moment. What a day.

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