The End.

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"I love you so...please let me go," - I Love You So, The Walters

Dream was having an ordinary shift, but this was different, it was a new virus that was introduced to the states. Welcome CoronaVirus, or otherwise known as Covid-19. He was sure he wouldn't catch it with a mask on!


He was doing his usual shift, just a normal day. He was taking orders with Punz, since they had the same shift, Punz had to fill in for another so this was a different kind of day. Punz was just making coffee when he heard a thud at the counter and a scream of sorts.

He ran out to see Dream out cold and a lady on the phone with 911. He ran to his lover's side and started to mentally pray that it wasn't anything too serious, that it was just a heatwave that took over him. He saw the ambulance come in and take him away, he quickly talked to his manager and was able to take the day off.

He drove to the hospital as quick as he could, panic settling in within him as he drove to where his lover was. He got out of the car and ran to the front desk.
"Hi hey, uhm, I am here to see my lover- boyfriend- you get the idea, his name is Dream? Also known as Clay?" He frantically questioned. The nurse sighed and looked at him, pointing to a hallway.

"He's down there, don't go in, it's Covid," she said, looking back down at her computer.
"Thank you, god, thank you so much," he said, running to the room and seeing Dream on a ventilator. He cried out and winced at the sight of him. He tried to go in, but was stopped by a doctor.
"I assume you're his loved one," the doctor said.
"Yes, yes please let me in!" he cried out, in mental and physical pain.
"He's dead,"
"He's gone, I'm sorry for your loss sir,"
He laughed.
He sighed.
He cried out in pain.

"Mom? Am I still young? Can I dream for a few months more," - Mituski, Class of 2013.

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