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He sat there wondering, thinking, there was no way he could get Clay to go out on a picnic date with him, there was absolutely no way in hell he could do it. You see, punz was an ordinary guy who was pretty basic. He had blonde hair, basic style, he was every average guy.

He didn't feel so average around Clay though.

He was smiling when he saw a text from him, smiling mainly to himself though, he was happy, he felt special around Clay, like he was the only person in the room, that's just because Clay was there, paying attention to him at all times, and it was perfect for his mind.

He then sent the text. The text asked if Clay wanted to go out on a date, this was more complicated than it seems though, because he and Clay never talked about romance before, so this was a completely new experience.

(If Clay says yes.)

And he was nervous, nervous that he was going to be having a deal with the devil just to get Clay to say yes, it doesn't even have to be a date, it can just be as friends, he could just go as friends with him and it would be all okay.

(Shut up man, it has to be a date or else you won't be happy.)

Right, right, and then he looked down at his phone and saw that Clay was typing. The moment of truth, the only thing Punz will think about at the moment is Clay, and what possibly could go wrong with that? He looked back down at his phone, again, and saw that there was a message, he was too scared to read it, but clicked on the message anyways.

"Sounds cool, see you tonight :)"

He screamed in his head a little, there was no way he got Clay to say yes, there was absolutely no way, yet there he was, he asked him out on a date and got a yes, and he was happy about it. He looked back down at the phone and smiled even more when he saw another message.

"Wish I was with you rn :("

He giggled, Punz was definitely in heaven right now, and if he wasn't, he wishes he was, it would make the experience more enjoyable. For now, this will do. He got back onto his phone and started to type back to him.

"I'll see you in an hour :> don't worry"

Simple text, perfect. He looked and got dressed, and then he questioned if he should try concealer to cover up some imperfections, no, no no no, he had to go natural right? He couldn't decide what to do.

(Come on Punz, make up your mind.)

Yeah, yeah no concealer for now. He smiled and got into his favorite hoodie and some sweatpants, he was happy and giddy and oh my god he was actually going on a date with his crush, he couldn't believe it, it was all so surreal, it was almost like a dream. He pinched himself.

(Ow! That hurt.)

Yep, definitely real. He was loving this so far. He went to his bed and layed down for a second, smiling and looking at his phone. He saw another text from Clay, this time, it was more flirty, definitely a tone change.

"Can't wait to see you, love you :)"

He blushed and got back up, hearting the message, then quickly grabbing his keys and walking out of the door. He got into his car and started up the engine, buckling his seatbelt, then started to drive to the area where the picnic was supposed to be held. He smiled as he listened to his favorite song.

He arrived at the park.

He saw Clay sitting there in a green hoodie and black sweats, smiling as he watched Punz's car pull up next to Clay's car. He smiled back, though Clay probably couldn't see it because of the window tint. He parked and got out of the car, then smiled, again. It's like he couldn't stop smiling.

He got over to Clay and sat next to him, Clay held his hand and smiled as Punz blushed. "You're so cute, you know? And you don't even know how long I have been waiting for you to ask me to do something like this," Clay said, looking Punz in the eyes. Punz looked back and smiled a little, laying his head onto Clay's shoulder with a small smile on his lips still.

He then pointed out that there was a sunset in front of them, Punz looked at Clay and started to speak, only to be hushed by a kiss on the lips. He started to turn completely red, then kissed back. They stayed kissing for awhile, a few pecs, a few open-mouthed kisses.

It was perfect, this whole thing was perfect.

"My house?" Clay asked.

"Yeah, let's go," Punz replied.

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