The movies

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Dream was working behind the counter, mixing up drinks and helping customers with difficulties. Punz walks in, his white hoodie and chain on, holding Purpled's hand as they walked up.
"Hey handsome, I got us a date tonight to the movies," he said with a smile.

"Well, what time my dearest beloved," Dream said with a smile.
"10, we have a babysitter tonight," he winked with a smile.
Dream shook his head and smiled, dirty blonde hair swiftly moving with his head. He smiled and looked back at his beloved.
"It's a date then," he said happily.

He took a deep breath and smiled, taking Purpled out of the shop. Dream smiled and went back to work. He was excited for today.

Later on, after his work he was at home with Punz being smothered in love. He was getting kisses and love and appreciation from him, smiling and giggling. Punz was kissin around his neck and cheeks, little butterfly kisses making Dream ticklish.

Dream finally wrestled Punz off of him and Punz smiled and giggled with him, they looked at each other and sighed. It was disbelieving that they were both supposed to be in high school, and instead they fell in love with each other. The two dropouts who fell in love.

Dream got up first, stripping himself of his uniform, punz whistling at him playfully.
"Ohhh, you like what you see baby?" He asked playfully, he put his normal clothes on and looked out the window, smiling. Punz already had his normal clothes on, just following Dream out the door like a lost puppy.

Dream finally got out the door and smiled, holding Punz's hand as they got to the car. He got into the car and saw punz go to the passenger side, he sighed and started up the engine. They backed out and went on their way to the theater.

As they pulled into the theater, they smiled and got out, giggling as they held each other's hands. He looked and whined seeing the long line. So they stood there.

And stood there.

And stood there.

Oh god. Dream slipped into little space and Punz noticed. Punz immediately got Dream and held his hand, taking him to the car. Him being in little space and the fact they were at the movies, two things that don't mix. He immediately got into the car, Dream on his other side.

He drove back to their apartment and carried Dream out to their apartment building bridal style, taking the elevator up. He smiled and put him on the couch, snuggling up to him and giggling. He then put the covers on them, knowing that in the end it was perfect. Perfect to be with each other.

Dream woke up and smiled, looking at Punz's resting face. He was his man and he was proud of it. Punz slowly woke up, looking at Dream with a grin, chuckling slowly. Dream flushed due to how his voice sounded, especially with the morning lowness, but he smiled and snuggled into Punz's chest.

Punz wrapped his arms around Dream, burying his head into Dream's hair, kissing his scalp then moving his kisses from his scalp to his neck, from his neck to his v-line at the base of his neck, and stopping there.

"I love you," Dream said.
"I love you too," Punz replied.

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