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Tamaki's POV

Mirio and I were good friends. He was always there for me, and I hope he could say the same about me. I try, I really do. But it's hard. Anxiety is taking complete control over me. I find myself crying in bed for no reason at all. Maybe it's stress or being overwhelmed or just afraid of life. I've tried to kill myself before. Twice. But I've never been caught trying. Both times I passed out due to blood loss before I could end it all. Sometimes I'm glad it was that way. But most of the time... I wish I would've just died.


I stayed up all night. I read everything over and over again. I can't mess this up. Class presentations freaked me out. Everybody was watching you. Their eyes were glued to you. Judging you. Teasing you. One imperfection and you were doomed to failure. I was really scared. I didn't want to do this. I couldn't do this. I'm such a coward.

I was busy reading over my presentation when a fourth wave of tiredness washed over me. I tried to stay awake, but I stayed up so late... maybe just... one... second... to close my eyes and compose myself... yeah. Just a second...

Mirio's POV

I've had some growing feelings for Tamaki. I didn't know how to tell him, and I couldn't seek advice from him. Him and I have been best friends for like... ever. I don't want to ruin our friendship, I knew he was fragile and shy. His panic attacks were starting to get to him too. I caught him once murmuring to himself that his anxiety was going to kill him. I wanted badly to do more. I was also starting to doubt myself. I'd lost my quirk when we went on the mission to save Eri. I feel useless now.

Today was Wednesday. Wednesdays were always bad for me, for some reason. I guess it's just because you're like, halfway done with the week but you still have just as much time left to go? I dunno. Wednesdays are just weird. Wednesday could be spelled without the first 'd' and 'e' too. Wensday. I mean, it sounds the same?

"Tamaki, you look drained." I said. Tamaki had his head on his desk, buried beneath his purple-ish hair. Tamaki peered at me through his hair and lifted his head. "C-Class presentation..." he mumbled in his usual tired, anxious manner. Oh. I nearly forgot about that. Wait, that was today? Oh, well. Present Mic would probably let me review in-class if I asked... Never mind. "You'll do great, Tamaki." Nejire said, walking up from behind us. Tamaki sighed, but we didn't manage to get another word out of him before the bell. "AAAALLLLLLRIIIIGHTY EVERYBODY!!! WHO'S READY FOR SOME CLASS PRESENTATIONS!?" Present Mic yelled. Everyone in the class either groaned or gave out fake excitement. "HOWWW ABOUT WE GO IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER TO KICK THINGS OFF! AAAAAMAJIKI, GET UP HERE!" Present Mic continued. Tamaki, who had put his head back on his desk, looked up in complete discomfort. His expression was easily readable. Are you kidding me?

"ALLLLRIGHT, AMAJIKI, TAKE IT AWAY!" Present Mic yelled as soon as Tamaki got to the front of the class. "Er... uhm... so... in the year 7418, WAIT~!? *grumble* S-Sorry... I-I mean... in the year 1874... t-there was a boy named... er... I... his name was... R-Robert Frost.. A-and..." Tamaki's stumbling and stammering went on for what seemed like ages. He kept hesitating, like what he was saying was wrong. I hated seeing him like that. He stumbled back to his seat, completely pale and shaked, then buried his head in a book on his desk. I put my hand on his shoulder and slid a glass of water onto his desk. "You did great." I said. "Nmmm..." he mumbled, not moving at all. I listened to the next few people's presentations before the bell rang. If we were being completely honest, Tamaki's was the best fact-wise.

When the bell rang, Tamaki was the first to leave. I followed him. "You okay?" I asked. He hadn't even touched the water I'd given him. "Nm. Fine." he said. I sighed, following him still. I eventually stopped him in a hall and turned him to face me. "Tamaki, are you sure?" I asked. It was his turn to sigh. "Just a panic attack. I... I'm sorry. I-It wasn't a bad one." I was surprised. Normally he was in tears when he had one. "Oh. Okay. I'm just making sure you're okay." I said. He smiled distantly. "Thanks."

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