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Tamaki's POV

The next night passed in a blur. Before I knew it, the bell rang for the last class on Friday. I was sleep deprived. It was really hard to pay attention at all. As soon as I was finished with my homework, I curled up on my bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I was having the strangest dream... but I don't remember what it was about. I was woken up about an hour later by somebody opening the door. It was Mirio. "Tamaki? You awake? I didn't expect you to be asleep this early..." he said. I forced myself to open my eyes, at least. "I'm up..." I managed to murmur. "Um, bro, you feeling okay?" he asked. I sat up, not realizing until that point that I never changed and was on top of the blankets. "Y-Yeah," I replied. Despite my response, he looked at me with concern. "If you're not too tired, me and Nejire and watching a movie in my room. If you wanna come." he said. I yawned, standing up and walking over to him. "Yeah, sure." I said. The two of us walked over to Mirio's room, where Nejire was waiting patiently, sitting on the floor cross legged.

I yawned as Mirio offered me a bowl of popcorn. "No thanks..." I declined. Nejire shrugged. "More for us, then." she said. I wasn't planning on really paying attention to the movie, I was too tired. It would just be rude to say no to Mirio's offer. I honestly had no idea what movie we were even watching, but I was spacing out and never really figured it out. My mind wandered away from Miro and Nejire and the whole movie scenario and I started thinking about the agency. I never really asked Mirio if he was feeling okay, not having his quirk. I should probably plan to. I glanced down at myself, remembering that I still hadn't changed. "Eh... h-hey, do you mind if I change into something more comfortable?" I asked, walking to the door while managing to maneuver through the random things sprinkled throughout the room. "Hey, sure, but you can just borrow something from me. You don't have to go back to your room." Mirio said. I hesitated. "Oh... er... I-I..." "Seriously, pick anything." he insisted. "O-okay." I whispered. In the end, I just picked a sweatshirt and some sweatpants, both a little big (especially the sweatshirt), but it was a lot more comfortable than my school uniform... It made me a lot more tired though. "Thanks," I told Mirio. "No problem." he replied, turning his attention back to the movie.

I caught myself starting to nod off several times in the next half hour. Mirio and I were sitting on top of Mirio's bed while Nejire sat comfortably on the floor. "I caught Tamaki dozing before coming here." Mirio commented. "But it was only like... six thirty!" Nejire replied. I blushed lightly when both of them turned to look at me. "S-Sorry... I..." I stammered. Mirio waved it off. "Eh. Don't be sorry. Everybody has those days." he said. I sank into the sweatshirt Mirio had lent me. "Thanks..."

Nejire's POV

The movie was very captivating. The animation was sooooo good too! (Not to mention how good the popcorn was...). This was like, my twentieth time seeing it though. I turned around and looked onto the bed to see how Mirio and Tamaki were liking it. Tamaki had fallen onto his back, his hood up and his eyes closed. "Mirio." I whispered, trying to get the blonde's attention. "Hm?" Mirio asked, shifting his gaze to me. I glanced in Tamaki's direction and he got the message, following my gaze. "Oh my God he's asleep!" I squealed, though I was careful not to make it too loud. Mirio, though I knew he wasn't trying, was starting to turn red. I've known of his obvious crush on Tamaki for a while now. "Tamaki? Tamaki?" he whispered, touching the ravenette's arm lightly. Tamaki mumbled something in his sleep and rolled onto his side subconsciously. "Oh, yeah, he's out cold." I breathed, neither of us paying any attention to the movie anymore.

"Do you think we should take him back to his room or something?" I asked. Mirio didn't answer for a second. "Maybe. But that could wake him up and it would be really hard explaining it if he did." he said after some silence. "Oh. Okay. Now... I should probably go." I said, wanting to leave it up to Mirio about what to do with Tamaki. "Alright. See you tomorrow, I guess." he said. I waved and left, though a part of me wanted to watch and see what Mirio was gonna do.

Mirio's POV

I adjusted my position, resting Tamaki's head in my lap. "I guess you were more tired than you told me you were... sleepyhead." I murmured. Tamaki stirred a little and pulled his knees up to his chest. I should probably take him back, but... how would he react if he woke up? Though... if he woke up in my room... I didn't know which would make him less uncomfortable. I sighed, running my hand through his soft hair and deciding to take him to his room. I picked him up gently bridal style and kicked the door open, making sure it didn't squeak when I did it. I walked down the hall and opened the door to Tamaki's room. It was arranged differently and a lot neater than mine. I took Tamaki's blankets off of his bed before laying him down, and covered him in the blankets afterward. Tamaki instantly shifted onto his side and murmured something. I was fortunate that he was sleeping deeply enough to stay asleep while I carried him. I brushed his hair out of his face and touched his cheek lightly with my finger. "Sleep well." I whispered, then walked outside and closed the door.

"Hey, Togata, what were you doing in Amajiki's room?" I whipped around at the speed of light. "M-Midoriya. Can I help you?" I asked. The green haired boy was holding a stack of papers and a notebook, looking like he was waiting for someone. "Sorry, sorry... just curious why you were in Amajiki's room." Midoriya said. "Oh... well... I was just bringing him some food 'cause he hasn't been feeling well lately." The lie was out of my mouth before I could stop it. "Oh. I see. Is he awake?" he asked. "Nope. He was sleeping feverishly when I came in." I lied again, but it wasn't as big. The adjective was just wrong. "Oh. Well... Kirishima wanted me to give these to him since I was gonna give these to you..." Midoriya handed me a stack of paper, then handed me some individual ones. "The stack's for Amajiki. When he's feeling better, of course, and the rest are for you." he said. I nodded. "Okay. Thanks. And tell Kirishima thanks for me too." "I will."

I opened the door quietly to Tamaki's room once Midoriya was gone and set the stack of paper on Tamaki's desk. I adjusted the blankets over Tamaki as he stirred slightly, moving his hand closer to his chest. I hope he'd notice the papers soon enough.

There was a part of me that wanted to stay and cuddle with Tamaki until morning, but I wasn't sure if he'd find that relaxing or even like it. I really wanted to. But I retreated back to my room and laid down, clearing my mind. Tomorrow was Saturday. I was mostly done with my homework... maybe I'll ask Tamaki for help with the small bit I didn't do. I eventually drifted off, thinking about how cute Tamaki looked when he was asleep.

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