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Tamaki's POV

I woke up a lot later than I planned to. Even then, it was hard getting out of bed. Wait... how did I get in my room? Wasn't I... with Mirio and Nejire? Was that a dream? It felt so... real. I rolled over in bed, glancing at the clock. It was noon already. I fumbled for my phone and asked Mirio a question.

Tamaki: Hey Mirio... I had the strangest dream last night... I was in your room with Nejire and you and we were watching some sort of movie... it seemed really... well, real... did that actually happen, or...?

Mirio: yeah it happened

Mirio: u seemed tired and fell asleep halfway through

Mirio: I carried you back to your room

I felt myself turning red. He carried me. Mirio carried me into my dorm. I didn't know how to reply, so I sent the first word I could think of.

Tamaki: Thanks

I sighed and put my phone down, standing up. That's when it hit me. I was still wearing Mirio's clothes. This only made me blush more. I was glad nobody else was in here.

Mirio: did u just get up

Tamaki: yes

Tamaki: sorry. Long week. Didn't sleep much.

Mirio: I get it it's okay

Tamaki: hey

Tamaki: do u want ur clothes back

Mirio: oh u can keep them i never wear those anyway

Tamaki: thanks

On my desk, on top of all my homework, was a stack of paper from the agency. Kirishima must've stopped by. I filled it all out and tucked it away when I got a call from Fatgum. Of course, I picked it up, but I wasn't really in the mood for his enthusiasm. "Hey, Amajiki, I need you and Kirishima as the farthest station to the north. There's no other pro heroes around and I can't do this without you two." Fatgum said. "A-Al...right. I'll be there..." I said, but he'd already hung up.

"Suneater! There you are! Fatgum's kicking some butt over there but we've gotta help 'im!" Red Riot called. I nodded. I'd eaten quickly before I left. That was the only way I could use my quirk. I had no idea what this was. There were black demon-like creatures with blades and they could teleport. I activated my tentacles but before I could do anything, there was a sharp pain in my left shoulder. The familiar feeling of blood running down my skin was instantly more familiar. I turned around and crushed one of the demon things in my tentacles. There was one behind Kirishima. "Red Riot, look out!" I shouted. He activated his quirk just before the blade touched him, sending it clattering to the ground. I vanquished another demon beneath my talons and crushed another one in my tentacles. There were so many of them.

Kirishima's POV

I stabbed one of the demons with my fist. They just kept coming. Every time we took one out, it was like a dozen more appeared in its place. But it was starting to slow down. "RED RIOT, THEY HAVE HOSTAGES! FEE THEM AND SUNEATER AND I WILL HANDLE THE DEMONS!" Fatgum yelled. I scanned the area. Instead of seeing anyone, I heard them. They were tied up to one another in a dark, hidden alleyway. I cut the rope binding them with my hand. "You guys need to run as far as you can go. Get outta here!" I shouted at them. But blocking the exit were two demons, and one on the other side. That's when Amajiki crushed one of the demons between two tentacles and clawed through the others with his talons. He had two blades in his left shoulder, one in his side, and a small knife in his right hand (tentacle thing). "Get behind me." I told the civilians. They did. I started rapidly punching the demon in front of us, penetrating this. I heard murmuring behind me. "Wow, he's so strong." "What's his name?" "Both of them are saving our lives." "We owe them everything."

There was a gagging sort of strangled choking noise from behind me. I'd just finished off the demon and was weary of fighting them. The noise came from Amajiki, who had staggered against a wall, slipping in and out of consciousness. He fell to the ground on his side, where the blade wedged in it penetrated further. He let out a small cry of pain, but went completely silent afterward, his breathing ragged. The people there were mortified. One girl crouched down next to Amajiki, crying and telling her mom that she thought he was dead. Fatgum bounded over to the alleyway. "I cleared everything- Oh God, Suneater... damn it..." he said. "Thank you so much for helping us. What's your name?" a woman asked. "Red Riot, ma'am. You... should probably be owing your thanks to Suneater." I replied, casting a glance at Amajiki. The woman nodded. "I'll never forget those names. Thank you so much."


Mirio's POV

Nejire came up behind me, scaring the hell out of me. "Ya hear about Tama?" she asked, her voice less cheerful than usual, but still carrying its normal energy. "What~? Don't think so. What happened to Tamaki?" I asked. Her face fell. "It happened about two hours ago. He and Kirishima were called on a thing with their agency and Tamaki got pretty badly hurt." she said. My heart sank. "You're kidding, right...?" I asked, trying to keep the atmosphere cheerful. Something told me she wasn't kidding. She shook her head. "He's in the infirmary if you really want proof that badly..."

It's not that I wanted proof. It's that I was worried about Tamaki. I opened the door to the infirmary and yeah. Tamaki looked pretty rough. He had bandages around his shoulder, side, and had, and several smaller cuts on his cheek. Kirishima popped his head out from the door frame before entering. "Oh. Togata." he said, walking up next to me. "Kirishima, hey. Was it... really that bad?" I asked, shifting my gaze from him to Tamaki. He hesitated. "It was kinda gruesome, I guess. Amajiki got beat up... I feel bad because he did most of the work." he said. "Oh. Okay. I'm sure you did great too."

Tamaki's eyes fluttered open and he grimaced when he woke up. "Tamaki. Hey... are you..." I trailed off, searching for the right words. "I'm alright. I've been hurt worse before..." he murmured. Recovery Girl came in with two cookies. She handed one to me and put the other on the table next to the bed. "Thanks," Tamaki and I said at the same time. She patted Tamaki on the head, ruffling his hair a little. "I healed you to the best of my ability, boy, You truly need to be more cautious... though the red-haired boy did tell me that you were protecting people." she said. Tamaki managed a weak smile. "You should rest up. I think you'll be feeling much better by tomorrow morning," Recovery Girl told him. "T-Thank you..." Tamaki murmured. I squeezed his uninjured hand. "Yeah. Rest up." "Please.. Stop worrying." "I don't think that's possible." I laughed quietly. He smiled faintly. In the next two minutes or so, he fell asleep.

When night fell, I couldn't sleep. Just last night, Tamaki was sleeping peacefully in my bed. Now he's bandaged up, lying in the cold infirmary. If I still had my quirk, maybe I could have been there with him. Maybe then I could have stopped it from happening. Though I knew he would heal from it and that he'd be okay in the end, he was suffering. Maybe if I wasn't such a piece of useless crap, I could have helped him.

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