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Tamaki's POV

       A little while after, Mirio left, leaving me dazed and slightly irked with myself. I told him too much. But... it felt good to get that off my chest. And I could trust Mirio. I hoped he wouldn't tell. I couldn't stand the thought of that. So many people would be talking... in my head and in reality...

That night, I didn't sleep much, but there was an exception. I found myself asleep for about an hour, but there was a nightmare. It had to do with those demons with blades and... one of them got to Mirio. I woke up in a cold sweat. Everything was so cold...

 I couldn't. I was up all night thinking of Mirio. The thought of him made my heart skip a beat. It was another one of those nights where after a panic attack, I was really tired but couldn't sleep. Like my mental breakdowns and panic attacks, they were becoming more frequent as well. So I laid in bed all night, but didn't really feel like getting out of it in the morning. Today was cold. Yesterday kept replaying in my mind. I wasn't quite sure why, but it was recently that I started associating Mirio with all things to do with light. The sun especially. Once I started, I couldn't stop. It kinda stuck. I didn't know why I started doing it to begin with. I guess he kinda had that sunshine-y personality. He also lit up my world. Like the sun.

 When I finally managed to drag myself out of bed, it was 9:30 in the morning. I heard rain, and I was surprised it hadn't frozen and turned to snow or hail. As usual, my blinds were drawn and my curtains closed. I didn't like having light in my room. I was sorta sensitive to light. Not like, I'd go blind if I saw it, but it sometimes gave me a headache if I was in a lit room too often. My room was still dark, though. It normally was. I wondered if Mirio was up yet. I had a feeling he probably was, but if he wasn't, I didn't want to disturb him.

 I yawned, running my hand through my hair and peering outside. Yeah. It was raining. I liked rain. It made me feel like I wasn't crying alone. So I don't feel so singled out. It also reminded me of my life before Mirio. Since it was cloudy, there was no sun. Not visible, I should say. But it was there. The sound it made against the window was also kind of comforting and it helped me with my stress/anxiety a little bit. I was startled back into reality by my phone buzzing. It was from Mirio. I dropped my phone, my thoughts flashing back to my nightmare.

 Mirio: good morning Tama

 Mirio: u up yet

 Tamaki: Morning.

 Tamaki: I'm up

Mirio: ah good I woulda felt rlly bad if I woke u up

 Tamaki: even if u did its nothing to be guilty about

 Mirio: ik u just seemed rlly stressed and tense yesterday

 Tamaki: ...

 Tamaki: ?

 Tamaki: Thanks, I guess?

Mirio: that was kinda rhetorical idk what I would put

 Tamaki: ...

I sighed, setting my phone down and grabbed the first thing I saw out of my closet. It just so happened to be Mirio's sweatshirt.

 Mirio's POV

 I'd already lost track of the day it was. I think it was Tuesday, but I'm not sure. And it was raining. I knew this because my blinds weren't drawn and my curtains were open, letting all the light possible in. The dark gave me the creeps sometimes. It was just so... well, dark! I always slept with my lamp on. And I didn't like rain. It was kinda freaky, y'know? Some people say that it's the gods' tears and whatnot, and that's what's scary. It's probably not, but knowing this palace... I guess it's kinda possible. The sound it made against the window weirded me out. The whole thing is weird. Though I had a feeling Tamaki liked rain, unlike me, because I caught him staring out the window on several occasions in class on a day that it was raining. I wasn't sure, but I think it's because he liked the sound of it.

 Yesterday seemed like a long day, and I managed to fall asleep pretty quickly last night. It probably seemed a lot longer for Tamaki though, so I really had no right to complain. I was glad to know that he was feeling a little better– at least, that's how I interpreted his texts. I knocked on Tamaki's door and he pulled it open, rubbing his eyes while he did so. He let out a small yawn before I could even say anything. "T-Tama... are you sure I didn't wake you up?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nmmm-mnnn... You didn't... I really didn't sleep last night... and I... kinda just dozed off... right before you... knocked..." His eyes fell shut and he kind of stumbled against the doorway as if he was falling asleep right then and there. "Er... uh... Tamaki, don't just fall asleep on me in the doorway." I said, bracing his shoulders. He shook his head, as if to clear it, and opened an eye at me. "Mmm... Sorry... you can come in if you want..." he mumbled. The two of us sat down on his bed and his head drifted onto my shoulder, his eyes closed. He must be really tired. I knew he normally didn't sleep much, but he normally powered through it.

While I was deep in thought, Tamaki had lifted his head from my shoulder, blushing a little. "S-Sorry..." he stammered. I shook my head, smiling at how cute it was when he was flustered. "If you're tired, just use me as your pillow and catch up on some sleep." I said. He smiled but shook his head. "T-Thanks for the offer... but... I'm planning on giving myself a sleep schedule and sleeping now would only mess it up..." he said. "Er, Tamaki, I don't think you're going to make it to noon." I laughed. He glared at me playfully, laughing quietly. "I honestly don't either... but I should probably try..." he replied through a yawn. I ruffled his hair and kissed him on the cheek, both of us blushing at the action. "Yeah. So I won't do anything to make you sleepy, if you insist." 

"Alright, if you don't plan on falling asleep for a while, why don't we go and do something? It could be like... our first date, kinda." I suggested. Tamaki blushed at the remark. "Y-Yeah... sure... what do you want to do..?" he asked quietly. "I was gonna ask you the same thing." I replied, "But maybe just take a walk or something?" He nodded slowly. "That sounds good... but... it's still raining. You don't like rain... do you...?" he said, his eyes showing that he knew I disliked it. "Yeah... it kinda freaks me out. But whatever you wanna do." I admitted. He sighed and fell onto his back on the bed. His eyes closed only seconds after and I knew he was about to fall asleep. I shook one of his shoulders. "Tama... you're never even gonna make it 'till eleven a.m." 

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