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"It's been a long time since she is gone. For how long you will stay like this?" Jin murmured carefully placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder giving him a little squeeze.

"I..I don't know hyung." for the first time he sounded broken.
The way he felt was the same since the time she left him. But he had such high walls guarding his inner emotions so that no one could reach him. But now, he breaking little by little, not able to endure this pain anymore.

"Jungkook..." he whispered and jerked his body up by his arm and hugged him.

"It's fine. Everything will be fine. Just don't be like this. This dead emotionless face of yours, it's scaring us so much. We don't want you to be like that hm."
Jin said to his little brother holding him in a caring hug.


Ring ring ring!
Ring ring ring!

"Ugh this phone. Someone pick it up. Whose is it?" Suga said picking up the mobile only to see the caller id

It was Taehyung's phone. He cleared his throat a bit and kept the phone back at its place. They were told by Jungkook to ingnore her for sometime. Taehyung never picked up her calls. Jungkook was working to find out if Suzie was actually like that the way Y/n described.

Despite of all the things that happened, they couldn't deny that they saw in her eyes that she was as if telling the truth but how could it change anything now. It was over. Everyone was back in their lives although nothing was same. They returned back from their missiosn to greet an empty home with just few glimpses of her memories. All the things that belonged to her were no longer there but as if her scent, it lingered a bit longer bringing back those memories. It was painful for all of them but the one who was aching the most was Jungkook. His heart throbbed just by the thought of those beautiful memories he made with her. How she hugged him suddenly whenever he entered the room after a hard day. It was a whirlwind of emotions hitting him whenever he entered the bedroom they shared so he mostly stayed away from that room now.

"Hyung, where do you think she must be right now..?" Taehyung asked fiddling the papers in his hand.

"We don't know about that Taehyung. And it'll be good if you don't mention her from now on." Suga said.

"But..." he retorted.
"Don't!" the elder one declared at last.

"Ok." he said in a low voice.

They had accepted the fact that she was gone from there but how could they forget her, the one they cherished so much.

That day(flashback)


The others ran to the room hearing that loud fire sound of the gun. They reached there to find her standing in front of him and he had shot on the wall right next to her head. It was as if he couldn't bring himself to do that. He never broke any of his rules, for anyone but now he had. He could shoot her, no , even the thought made him frown. How could he think of hurting her, the queen of his life?

"Leave. Just leave this place, this city or whatever. Never come in front of me after today or I'll really kill you." he said as he tucked the gun on his waist band. He didn't look in her eyes instead just turned away with only his  back visible to her.

"Jungkook please..." she whispered as she wiped her overflowing tears.

"Don't. You have lost the right to take my name from that filthy mouth of yours." he stated with no emotion.

With that, she left that place. Right in that condition. No one came to stop her, they just moved away from the door giving her way as she moved away from that place. That place which she had started to call home. The people she had started feeling as family. She left everything behind that day.

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