'She's Fascinating'

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Luca Bianchi

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Luca Bianchi

I've been waiting for 10 minutes now. All she had to do was put pants and a blazer on. Personally picking out an outfit for myself early in the morning, knowing she wouldn't have anything to wear.

It was not an excessive outfit, i sensed a dress wouldn't be the best outfit to wear when your dying over a migraine.

Maree set up breakfast for us as per my orders. Maree works for me but I consider her as a mother figure as my mines couldn't be one.

Reminding myself of what happened yesterday, I walked towards the floating island in the kitchen. The kiss yesterday was breathtaking, when she bit my lip and moved against my body. How she responded to my b-.


Attempting to rid those thoughts from my mind so I don't embarrass myself with an erection in front of her.

After all the food was served, Maree left to get her from upstairs in case she gets lost. A few minutes later, they both descended down the stairs. She looked absolutely stunning.

'Only because it's my choice of clothes.'

Once Maree showed her the way towards me, she left. The woman, whose name I still don't know because Arlo is being a lazy bitch, strolled towards me.

"You have good taste" she uttered looking down at her attire.

"I know, but thank you." She glared at me playfully as I laughed at her adorable expression.

Motioning for her to take a seat so she could have some breakfast. Realising, she blanked out last night, I asked Maree to leave some medicine for headache prior to her leaving. She began to eat when I set a plate full of food in front of her.

"Are you sure this is not poisoned" she joked whilst stuffing the food into her mouth.

"I think it's too late to answer that" Glancing at the already half eaten plate.

She laughed. Oh my god she laughed. She looks so enchanting. The two times we met she hasn't even given me a full on smile and now she's laughing. Even when she was drunk she didn't show any emotions other then lust. Her laughing bought a smile to face as I watched her carefully.

'I probably look like a clown right now.'

After we finished our food I placed the plates in the sink. Before I could forget, I picked up the medicine and filled up a glass of water passing it to her.

"Here have some medicine you probably have a headache" she took the pill from my hand putting it into her mouth then chugging the water swallowing it.

"Thank you" she said after picking up her handbag.She blanked out in the car yesterday and had left her bag there so i had brought it inside later.

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