Chapter 10: Fates

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** end POV **

I looked out to the foreign kingdom below us while three other ladies worked around me to fit my wedding gown for the ceremony tonight. Unknowingly a couple tears slipped down my face as my makeup was retouched because my mind was preoccupied not with the upcoming wedding, but rather Yoongi. How I yelled at him when he wanted to apologize, the sadness in his eyes when he closed the door behind him, the relief written on his face when I woke up. I should have forgiven him, I knew he didn't mean what he said. I know he regretted his words as soon as he said them. I can't hold it against him like that. He felt guilty enough as it is, I only made the guilt worse by constantly reminding him of his mistake. I was snapped out of my thoughts seeing the veil secured to my hair in the full-length mirror standing in front of me and the dried tear stains on my cheeks. "Ai-yah! We can't have these tear stains ruin your beautiful makeup! The prince wouldn't like that. Now smile, today's supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Getting married to a dashing prince! Now wait here, the king will come to escort you down to the wedding and swim with you down the aisle." The ladies leave and I'm left alone with thoughts of Yoongi flooding my head. I should've just told him what he meant to me instead of pushing him away from me. Now I am marrying someone I don't share any form of connection with, for the sake of my people, and to forget my love for him. I can't be putting my own selfish feelings before the good of the kingdom. My duty is to the people, not to my heart. I must do this for the prosperity of Atlantia, the prosperity of my people. Father has always told me that a good ruler always puts the needs of the people before their own. I never objected to this until Yoongi came. Now, more than ever, I wish I had that choice to choose my happiness first. But we were never destined. We're from two different worlds, neither compatible with the other. I would never play out in our favour. So we both must do as we're obligated to. I will marry the prince from Sephilis, and Yoongi, the arranged princess for him.

I swim to the balcony overlooking Sephilis feeling my heart shatter, leaning on the balcony railing and cry. I've only ever felt this type of pain once and it was when I lost my mother. Today I'm losing yet another one that I love. But this time it's my fault that they're gone. A knock at the door gets my attention as the king comes in. I politely bow as he smiles and says "thank you ms. y/n for agreeing to this marriage. Your people would be proud of your sacrifices. I do sense sadness though. What's wrong child? I can tell it's about someone you love, hm?" I look up slightly startled that he knew right away before he continues, "you love him don't you? and he loves you? Something happened between you two, you pushed him away and to forget about him while still benefiting your kingdom and wanting to make your father proud you agreed to this marriage. Am I wrong child?" I was in front of him amazed at how correct he was before slowly nodding my head to acknowledge that his belief was right. "You believe that it wouldn't work out with him. Because both of you are the same, yet so different, hm? It's a human boy if I am not mistaken?" I feel fear rising up in me, afraid he will do something because I fell for a human when he smiles softly and says "I am not upset child, the decisions of the heart are one's I always support because my own parents supported such choices. I didn't marry a princess, but rather a woman whom I love. The queen was the love of my life, my parents didn't want to take that away. They'd rather keep their son happy than drive him away by forcing him to chose between his heart and his mind. My son also has a lovely girlfriend, I don't want to destroy his heart by having him make that choice. I'd rather see my son happy than have the people's approval. Family always should come first. And I've heard plenty about you, always putting other's needs before your own. You never prioritized your happiness, following the duty to your people rather than to your heart. I greatly admire that. It's your choice if you still want to marry my son or not, I will not force you." I sigh hearing his words, almost crying again and wish I could swim to Yoongi but he's probably returned to the surface so I just nod my head saying "I still choose to marry your son your majesty." He nods and escorts me downstairs as the large double doors open and I'm swept down the aisle.

**Yoongi POV**

As the king and I approach the castle, the bells are ringing signalling that the ceremony is underway. We're let through as we quickly swim through the large double doors to see y/n holding hands with the prince of Sephilis, everyone's heads turning to us. I don't pay attention to any of them only seeing y/n looking breathtaking in her white wedding gown and feel tears falling from my eyes. "stop the wedding! I decline this marriage between my daughter and the prince of Sephilis." The kings voice boomed throughout the hall as I see y/n's tears as well.

**end POV**

I turn to the prince and he smile softly saying "go. My father already told me everything. Go to him. I already found my love, go be with yours." I turn to his father and see him nod as well. Smiling between tears I swim down the aisle into Yoongi's arms sobbing muttering endless apologies as I hear his own cries as well. I listen to his soft assuring words as his attempt to calm me down. I pull away to see him in a navy blue suit as mine and the prince's father say "well, this is a wedding, let's get on with it. Yoongi, come with me and my son, we'll help get you prepared. Ms. y/n, you can go back upstairs and get a new dress prepared for you." I nod and follow my father as we both head our separate ways to get ready, a huge smile plastered on my face. Back in the room, the same ladies are helping me to get ready but this time instead of a crushing sadness, I am filled with pure joy. I turn to my father and say "are you sure you're ok with this father? I mean Yoongi is a human and we're merpeople. The people, our kingdom? This marriage needs to be strategic to benefit everyone." He gives a small smile replying, "y/n my dear, you've done more than enough for the benefit of the people and our kingdom. For once I want you to put your happiness before everyone else's. If Yoongi makes you happy, I support you fully on this. I for once wish to see my daughter happy after years of putting her feelings aside." I turn around once the ladies are finished with me noticing his tears as he adds "you look just like your mother. I'm so proud of you y/n." Wrapping my arms around my dad I wrap my arms around him for a couple minutes before heading back down for the ceremony but rather than some random prince, it's my love waiting for me at the end of the aisle.

*Yoongi POV** 

I turn to the doors as all the guests stand up to see y/n at the other end looking stunning in her white flowing wedding gown and long veil. Her beauty almost hits me like a truck as I start crying knowing all we went through to get to this moment. How I dreamt of this moment for so long and it coming true before me, my greatest desire to marry someone I love unfolding in front of me. She reached me as the guests sat down with the ceremony commencing, smiles on both our faces and  tears of joy wept during our vow. Eventually our fates are intertwined when I'm finally told to kiss my bride and pull y/n close to me.

**end POV**

Yoongi gets the go-ahead to finally seal our marriage and without hesitation, I'm pulled in by my waist as close my eyes when his soft lips press up against mine. I feel the whole world stop spinning as time ceases to exist as we kiss, butterflies filling my stomach as his hand gently rests against the nape of my neck while one wraps around my waist. I feel Yoongi gently tip me down while we kiss into a dip and stay there for a minute while all the guests erupt in cheers as I'm brought back up. Our lips separate as I grab my flowers and we make it down the aisle no longer as just two separate people, but two individuals who's souls are now one. Our fingers intertwined with each other as we reach the doors at the front of the hall, heading back upstairs with wide smiles on our faces. As soon as the door to the room I got ready in closes I feel Yoongi pick me up and spins around with pure joy on his face while he says "finally. I'll be with you for the rest of eternity. I love you so much y/n, you have no idea how happy I am." I softly giggle and peck his cheek before quickly adjusting my veil in the mirror.

**time skip**

After the reception my father turns to me, trident in hand saying "I'm so proud of you my child. I know Yoongi here will make you happy. You may be married in our kingdom but it's time that he returned home and married you in his kingdom. That's why I will be granting both of you the power to turn from human to mermaid on your own will. This way, both our kingdoms while separate, will still be united as one." With tears in my eyes I embrace him while slowly rising to the surface. Holding Yoongi's hand and watching my father's trident glow, a golden beam hits the both of us as I watch my mermaid tail get replaced with human legs. Suddenly with both our bodies craving oxygen, I bid my father goodbye as Yoongi and I come up above water, gasping for air. The sight of the kingdom surrounded by the beautiful beaches puts me in awe as Yoongi takes my hand and we walk out together, looking down we're both completely dried, me in a flowy dress, and Yoongi in the same outfit from when he fell in the water first. Hand in hand we walk to the kingdom's village.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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