Chapter 4: Wishes and Trusts

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"Sometimes I wish I were normal" Yoongi turns to me, his white skin illuminated by the light in the ocean. He doesn't speak, just looks at me patiently waiting for me to continue. "I know that you're also a prince and probably relate but I just need to talk to someone who understands. Someone who actually knows what it's like. I love Rose like a sister but sometimes I just want to speak to someone that will emphasize with me. "I turn away but my attention is caught when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Yoongi's eyes become soft and I give a small smile before looking down.

"My father is king right. I never really had much of a choice. It's not that I hate being a princess, but it's just, I wish I could be a princess but be able to do things normal mermaids do. Like go out and see the ocean. Go on trips with friends, actually be a normal mermaid. I don't want to be known as 'Princess Y / N of Atlantia' I want to be known as just 'Y / N' I want just one day where I don't have to be a princess No maids, no adoring people other than my friends, no people watching your every move, no public appearances, no extravagent outfits I wish for one day where I don't need to worry about any of that. "I start sobbing and feel Yoongi pull me into a hug burying my face into his strong chest. In his embrace I felt comfortable, I felt safe, like everything would be ok. I smile at Yoongi as he uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears gently. "Let's go back inside hm?" "I will make your wish come true" he mumbles but I barely hear the whole thing. His soft voice fills me with indescribable warmth. We swim back inside and continue chatting. 

Turns out he has faced similar situations as well. Always being paraded like some trophy, always having to follow the rules, girls of the kingdom fighting for his attention and love only because of his looks. I mean as much as he is handsome, I'd rather be with a man for personality than looks. And Yoongi thinks the same. For the first time I find someone that I truly relate to, he understands the problems of being a royal heir and being forced to do things which in reality should be left up to our own choice. I feel that connection. Something unlike any other bond I've had with anyone else. I know we just met and I truly don't know him but he has that gentle look in his eyes, almost soft like a puppy, innocent, pure, and caring. 

"Hey Y / N I'm leaving ... mom wants me home to help with dinner" Rose speaks up a few moments later after picking up her phone. "Already?" I answered sadly. "Yeah but I'll see you soon ok?" Yoongi stands up and goes to her. "Well then goodbye Ms. Rose, it was a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to meeting you again!" I bows politely and both Rose and I start blushing slightly. She swims out closing the door behind her. "You're such a gentlemen Yoongi!" I tease him lightly smiling as he sits back down on the bed "well it's force of habit princess " he replies emphasizing the 'princess' I chuckle and smile at him. 

"Hey, you've never talked about your mother" shortly Yoongi breaks the silence. I look at him feeling sadness come over me, no one has ever asked about her and no one really knows about what happened. Just my father and Rose, they're the only people that I fully trust to go to when the hurt comes back and I need someone to cry to. "Can I trust you?" he has a soft look in his eyes. "Do you think you can trust me?" he replied, "It's personal so that's why I asked" I look down moving my fin up and down gently. "Well it's something personal you should have the say if you should tell me whatever you are going to." I look at him holding my tears and inhale.

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