Chapter: 3 Different

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Swimming up to the person I begin shaking them trying to wake them up.

"Hey! Wake up! Please wake up! Please !!" I start crying and realize he's human.

It hit me when I remember learning that there is a way I can save him. I read that to save a human you have to kiss them to give them underwater breathing abilities. They won't turn into a mermaid but the magic will only be effective if they remain underwater and the spell will break once they bring their head out of the water. Unsure if it actually works I take the chance because I can't stand and do nothing watching the mysterious boy. So closing my eyes I lean in and softly connect our lips together, then pulling away I examine his features more closely. Soft round doll-like lips, beautiful crescent eyes, round cheeks, skin, white like suga, fluffy long air that drifts around his face, a sharp jawline, and cute button nose. My heart begins racing the longer I look at him and not a moment too soon he opens his eyes revealing the softest hazel-nut brown eyes I've ever seen. He widens his eyes and backs up quickly.

"Who are you? Where am I? Wha-what are you?" He spoke alarmed fully regaining consciousness

"Hey easy, easy. I saved you. You're ok now trust me. I managed to save you in time. Now don't freak out but you're under the ocean right now. My name's Y / N, and this is Rose. We don't want to harm you. You must've fallen off your boat that caused you to come down here. Now tell me what your name is. "I speak softly, attempting to reassure him

"My name's Yoongi. Prince, Yoongi. But my friend's call me Suga. And how exactly did you save me?" He looks around startled and curious. "Well, don't panic but Rose and I are mermaids. I used the power of water kelptics to save you, but in order to do that I-I had to k-kiss you." I look down waiting for him to start yelling but nothing comes so I slowly look up and he's wearing a soft look mixed with shock. "It's-it's ok. Thank you. But I thought mermaids were myths."

"We're not. No one just ever has real proof of our existence. And you said you're a prince right? Well you're in luck because Y / N here is actually a princess." Rose spoke quite abruptly as if this is completely normal

"ROSE !!" I slap her with my fin blushing like a cherry tomato "Oh my apologies princess I didn't mean to be rude" His soft eyes focused more on me. "Don't worry about it. I'd rather not let people know that I am one but that's proving to be difficult considering all the appearances my father and I have to make." Yoongi nods his head in agreement and once again Rose interrupts the silence.

"May I ask what happened" 

"Well I was on my way back from visiting a kingdom to meet a potential princess that my father is thinking of marrying me off too but there was a storm and while trying to help one of my friends hold a sail rope, a mast broke loose and swung around knocking me off the boat. After that everything just went black. Well, until you helped. And that brings us to present moment "He answered shyly. 

"Guess our stories are in a way the same. Both of us are being forced to marry someone that we don't know" I smile a little at Yoongi realizing that I'm not totally alone. 

"I want to marry one that which I love" Giggling slightly Yoongi and I spoke at the same time. As if we both knew exactly what the other was thinking.

"I guess we're both the same" I add "But different" Again him and I speak at the same time. "HEY lovebirds !!!! Let's go hm?" The silence soon broken by Rose shouting. I smile lightly at Yoongi before we start swimming back to the castle before it hits me.

"Rose!! What about my father? You know he's not wanted me to get involved with the human world." The thoughts of what my father may do drains the color out of my face. "Just explain everything to him ok? I think he'll be more leniant once you explained how you saved this man's life" Rose's voice is filled with reassurance. I pretend to be calmed by her words but really I'm still panicked because I know my father. He acts nice when Rose's around but secretly he's probably judging everything I do, and every action I make. So dread filling me up we approach the castle but taking a secret route so I can avoid the people because well... that princess life and the most obvious was to get Yoongi through safely. 

Rose and I manage to get to my room without getting spotted by anyone and Yoongi takes a quick look around smiling. It warmed my heart a little seeing his bright gummy smile as he settled on a purple seashell chair nestled in the corner next to the balcony. Yoongi looks at me "Can I take a look outside?" something about his tone when he asked melted my heart so I gesture towards the door as the go ahead. When he opened the door I could tell he was surprised. "Holy crap!" I swim next to him resting my arms along the edge of the railing. "Nice view isn't it? When my father asked what room I wanted I asked for one with a balcony overlooking the kingdom." "It helps to calm me down" Yoongi and I speak again at the same time. I look down smiling before turning my attention back to the view, bright lights illuminating the village below. 

I look at him for a good 5 minutes smiling to myself. There's something about Yoongi, something that makes him stand out. He's ... different. 

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