The infermary

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"First things first, Your room it's the third on the right. Be there in a sec ..."

I walked through the corridor and into the room, It was brightly lit , and therefore the first thing he did was close the curtains, I Felt more at ease in the dark. A closet was in the far end of room, Great I took of my ripped shirt and got the first good look at my wounds. They stood out against the paleness of my skin. The most common wounds were scratches from the wolves, scars from the spear and sword tips that had raked his skin. My skin was either deathly pale (normal), red from bites or scratches, or brown from the mud and dirt. The wound that stood out even among the others, was on my thigh it was raw and red. As if it had been re-open several times witch was very probable. The Jean was wripped in many places.

"Got not a hell of a fight right? Come on let's heal that." said a voice behind me. It was Will and he was carring a first aid bag.

"Sure " I grumbled because grumbling seemed so much more like me.

He opened his first aid kit there was bandages a few seringes and to my surprise a lyre. He took out some of the bandages rapped them around my arms and legs after aplining some tickling medicine.

"You got any alargies I need to know about? Any weaknesses? apart from turning into a shadow every few seconds?"

"Nah. you?"I asked trying to make small talk. Witch I never do. But I guess if I want to stay I might need to make friends and the easiest way to do that is to talk to them.


"You're a vampire." Suddenly my brain thought of mythomagic. In the underworld set there was a .... Sorry. Geeking out.

"Hey" He poked me. I felt weird when he touched me. It felt like my stomach twisted. And I haven't experienced that before. But if I did that would be how it felt like.

"Kidding "  I raised my hands. Apparently when you are a son of Hades every single word you say could be held against you. I felt somewhat like a terrorist. But the way Will said hey was More in a joking way than an offended way. But then again I am not very good with human being or demigods or just live things for that matter.

"Do you feel the need to justify everything you do. Cause if so that's sad. Just try to act natural. Your going to have to stop that when I am around cause hopefully we'll be seing much more of each other." Will grinned

"You want to see me. Like talk to me." I turned around. No one was there. "Are you sure you're talking to me?"

"Yeah. Don't act so surprised. Loads of people what to talk to. You just don't let them + you are intimidating." He said with a smirk "Well you're to badly hurt to go home in the next five days and after that I will be having to survay your diet and make sure you don't ack as an outlaw "

"I hope you don't hope your patients to get sick so you can talk to them." Will shock his head and answered:

"Just a few."

"where can I finda shirt that is not with tropical patearns? " I said

"I might have something, hold on" He walked towards the closet and brought out a black shirt simple and not very noticable. Awesome.It was three times to big for me but it was comfortable and warm.

"Already in one of my shirts on the first day , what will people think?" Will said half laughing "Now get sone rest"

"But I'm not tiiiieeeerrrrrrrrrrddddd...." I protested. Sounding like a kid. Will just nodded and pressed his hands on my forehead. And I immediately felt drowsy. I need to learn hat trick. Could come in useful. But my bed was looking to appealing for me to I ignore any longer. So I crashed on my bed and got a visit from a frightful nightmare.

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