Capture the flag

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I sat at my table, wishing that Camp Half Boold Sitting Arragements would resemble Camp Jupiter's.

I stabbed my salad as I stared aimlessly through the pavillion. By aimlessly, I mean subconsciously staring at the most gorgeous blonde sitting on the Apollo table. Will caught my gaze, I swear all the people in the dinning pavillion could see me blush.

He smiled and mouthed Ready?. I mouthed Sure. Capture the flag would be an easy win if we had the Apollo , Hephaistus, Athena, Demeter, Hades and Hecate cabins on one side. Especially now that Percy and Jason were at the other camp but for some reason I felt scared.

I was scared that Will would realize that having a sick son of Hades on his team would probably not help his chances of winning the game.

When I finished my pasta it was my table's turn to walk up to the fire. I scrapped of the rest of my plate witch was basically three fourths of the plate and muttered a silent prayer to Hades: 

Please just make me stay conscious through the whole game.

As I walked past the Apollo table, I could feel Will glare. He would give it to me each time he felt like I didn't eat enough....witch was everyday.

Chiron gave the speech announcing the teems for capture the flag and gave his good luck sentence and dismissed everyone.

I stood and started to walk back to my cabin but Will grabbed my arm:

"Nico, I gotta get you ready for capture the flag. Come on."

"I can get myself ready."I bluntly replied

"No, or maybe I will have to add three weeks in the infermary for illusions of grandeur."

"Why do you love to torture me?" I inquired

"Cause your my buddy."

"Somehow I doubt normal people threaten their friends with weeks in an infermary."

"Somehow I doubt we are normal." Will replied with a wink "and to me that is the best thing there is. Where would we all be if we all looked the same and thought the same."

At this point Will slowly walked me towards my little'chamber' in the infermary.

"Less miserable?" 

"No, as my father once told me, 

Eggs are white

I am not miserable 

And you should not be to"

I snorted "Somehow I doubt those were his exact words"

"True, he might have said Eggs are yellow or Pink elephants are my favorites but alas, I am human; I forget."

At this point I started laughing. Will stopped walking. When my laughter was reduced to a sentence I asked :" What's wrong?"

He stared at me and just exclaimed:"Nobody has heard you laugh at camp."

We placed ourselves in front of my chamber and I slowly opened the door not caring to respond to the truthful and yet hurtful, sentence he had just delivered with no subtelaty what so ever.

"See you in the creek" Will responded and walked off.

I turned to see my bed. On it, was laying a breastplate, a helmet and my sword made of Stygian iron sword. 

I flipped the breastplate with the tip of my sword and then yelled a blood curdling cry that travelled all the way through camp: "Stolls"

On my once black breastplate, lay a pink poney but it was arranged in such a man or that when I wore the breastplate my head was also the poney's.

If I had not been so pissed I might have admired the graphic quality of the horse.

I paced thought the room blood roaring in my ears. Then I smiled, I realized the terrible error the Stolls had committed;

Terrible indead was their fate

They had miscalculated a tiny but most important detail

They will not forget the day a very very angry son of Hades meets them I battle

They had not thought of this very very important detail:

I was not on their team for capture the flag....

Solangeloحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن