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Calani woke up to see Dougie at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands.

She tapped her phone, watching it light up.

3:22 am

Rubbing her eyes, she crawled to the end of the bed. His body was hot and he was breathing heavy.

She looked down to see a bottle of yellow colored liquid, and his little baggy of Yerks was open.

what the fuck.

"Douglass! what the fuck!" Cal says angry, he was doing so good. He stopped for a while, well so she thought.

That day he drank the lean with Nas was the day he relapsed, he didn't even mean to. It just happened, and ever since then he's been on all his substances.

"I'm sorry Ma, but i had a bad dream again" Cal sighs, slipping herself onto his lap.

The past few nights that he's been staying in earlier and actually sleeping. But that means he's been sleeping more, and having more mightmares—all about his dad, and dead friends—.

"What happened this time my love?" Dougie shakes his head, laying on her soft, exposed chest.

"What is Vlana?" Dougie nods putting his middle finger in hit mouth, chewing down on his nail.

He did this when he was anxious, scared, or even in deep thought about something traumatic.

"Armani..you know i'm here for you. Always, always, always, i never judge a single hair on you baby, so please, talk to me" Dougie just stood up, making Cal slide off his body.

"Nas and T are chilling in his whip, im' go slide on em" Dougie slips his feet in his black crocs she got him, and grabbing his SP5DER hoodie, keys, and phone.

She follows him to the door, "Dougie what's wrong! why are you walking away from me" Her heart hurt at the sight of him just walking away and shutting her out.

He kissed her head closing the door, she stood there stuck. With her grey spandex shorts and white polo ralph lauren shirt, just staring at the door.

She sighs, rubbing her temples.

He has been so closed off with her lately, it made her assume with worst. She didn't know if he cheated , or he was uninterested in her, or something worst.

She went back to the room and just layed down, picking up her phone she went on instagram for a little.

Feeling tiredness run over her, she put the phone down going to sleep.

5:16 am

Cal woke up again to her phone ringing, she groans seeing it's Kay.

She declined it going back to sleep, she didn't want to hear that Dougie was drunk or high and needed her to go downstairs to bring him home from kay's presence.

Her phone rings again but this time it was Nas, she grains picking it up.

"what bro," she says half asleep.

"Dougz got shot Cal! He stable but he want you here, we are Bronx Lennon Memorial" Cals heart dropped so far it felt like it wasn't in her body anymore.

She didn't even say anything, she just hung uo throwing clothes on.

She put Dougies Amiri hoodie on, slipping on her white nike socks and black tasman uggs, her keys, and phone running out the door and onto the elevator.

she frantically tapped her foot waiting for the elevator to stop.

When it did stop she booked it out of the lobby and ran her fastest down the block, she didn't care that the sun was just rising, it was still morning dew, and was kind of cold.

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