How can I tell her? (Glee fanfic)

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"Dude you have to tell her" Jake Puckerman told his best friend Ryder. "But how do I Jake,I mean the last time I felt this way was about Marley" Ryder Lynn said as took out his phone. He went onto his pictures and scrolled along them until he found his favourite photo of his girlfriend Jessica. Ryder smiled at the photo and then told Jake the story about that photo.

"You know I took this picture of her the day I first kissed her." Ryder said as he looked at the picture of her and then smiled even bigger. "She had a strawberry listick on her and everytime I look at this picture of her I can still taste the strawberry." Ryder said as he has a flashback of the first time he ever kissed Jessica. Jake smiled at him and then said "I know how you feel man." He took out his phone and showed Ryder a picture of his girlfriend Marley.

"That was taken on our first date and everytime I look at this picture I can still smell the popcorn that she threw at me" Jake said as he handed his phone to Ryder. "How did you tell Marley it" Ryder asked as he gave Jake back his phone. "Well, I gave it to her on our 'Men of Mckinley' calender" Jake said as he put his phone back in his gym bag.

Ryder looked down and kept looking at the picture of Jessica and then a tear came down his cheek but before Jake could see it he rubbed it away. "She almost said it" Ryder said still looking at the picture of Jessica. Jake looked at him shocked "What?!" Jake asked concerned. "We were in the choir room and we sang 'When I look at You' by Miley Cyrus and after we kissed Jess was about to say it but when it came to the 'you' bit she panicked and said my eyes" Ryder said as he looked up from the picture of Jessica.

Jake looked at Ryder and the took out his phone again. He dialled a number into his phone and then put it to his ear."Who are you calling?" Ryder asked Jake as he put away his phone. "Hey, Marley can you come to the boys locker's an emergency...ok alright see you in two minutes" Jake said as he hung up on Marley.

"Dude what are you doing Marley can't come in here" Ryder said as he stood up. "Man calm down there's no one else here, Marley helps her mom after school" Jake said as he checked outside the door to see if Marley had come yet. "Plus Marley's best friend is Jess they probably tell each other everything so Marley will know if there's something up with Jess" Jake said as he walked back over.

Just then Marley ran in to the locker room. "What's the problem?" Marley said out of breath. "Hey, has Jess been acting strange at all this week?" Jake asked as he sat Marley down and gave her a bottle if water. "Well to think of it, yeah she has been, she normally talks about you Ryder all the time but this week not really, she was also really quite and looked like she was crying everyday" said Marley. Jake looked at Ryder and the Ryder said "She's pissed at me". Marley looked confused. "Why would she be pissed at you?" Marley asked confused. "She's pissed at me because I didn't tell her" Ryder said as he looked up at Marley and Jake. "I love Jessica..."

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