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Ryder and Jessica walked in hand in hand smiling. Ryder saw Jake and Marley sitting at a table waving at them. "Hey Man"Jake said as he bro hugged Ryder. "Waz up" said Ryder. Marley hugged Jessica and said "Hey I haven't seen you since Friday." Jessica hugged Marley tighter and then let go of her. The couples sat down and talked for a while. Everything was going well until Ryder's ex-girlfriend Aria walked in.

Ryder saw Aria and started to freak out. "Ryder whats wrong?" Jessica asked as she took hold of Ryder's hand. "Oh nothing I'm just hungry, gosh were is the food?" Jessica looked at Ryder confused and looked around the place. She saw a girl looking at them with a really angry look on her face. Jessica looked at the girl and then it felt like she had been shot. 'OMG RYDER'S CHEATING ON ME' Jessica said in her head. 

Aria walked over. "Hey Ryder funny seeing you here" Aria said as she drew her hand up and down the seat Ryder was sitting on. Aria glared at Jessica who glared right back. "Who are your friends Ryder?" Jessica asked as she smiled at Marley, Jake and Jessica. Ryder's face went red and then Jessica blew up. She stood up and got her glass of freezing ice cold water. Ryder looked at her and his eyes widened.

"Umm Jess what are you doing?" Ryder asked as he slid away slowly from  Jessica. Jessica grined her teeth and her face went bright red. "YOU RYDER LYNN ARE A LYING, CHEATING, SCUMBAG" Jessica yelled at the top of her voice.People started to stare but Jessica didn't care. Marley and Jake sat there with there mouths open. Ryder looked at Jessica confused. Aria smurked at Jessica and let her go on. "I ACTUALLY CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD GO THE FAR!" Jessica screamed at Ryder. At this point everyone was staring at them.

A tear stared to run down Jessica's face followed by another one and another one. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT THE GUY THE VERY FIRST GUY I EVER LOVED WOULD CHEAT ON ME WITH A CHEERLEADER!" Jessica screamed while tears were streaming down her face. "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH RYDER, WE'RE OVER!" Jessica threw the ice cold water all over Ryder and then ran away.

Ryder put his hands in his head and mumbled through tears 'I didn't cheat'. Jake was trying to help Ryder and Marley had enough of this Aria girl who was laughing her head off. Marley stood up and looked Aria in the eye. "Listen you I don't usally do this but you are the lying scumbag" Marley said as she looked Aria down. Aria looked shocked by all this. "You hurt one of my friends I usally don't do anything but two of them and one being my best friend you are so gonna get it." Marley grabed Aria by the hair and flung her into a wall. After she grabed her by the arm and threw her straight into the fish tank. 

Aria came out scraming and ran away. Marley took a deep breath and looked back at Jake and Ryder who were shocked. She ingorned there shocked faces and said "I'm gonna go look for Jessica and tell her what I did, Ryder you can do the rest." Ryder noded and said through his tears  "Thanks." Marley noded and ran out looking for Jessica.

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