Part 19 - Aaron

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Dear Aaron,

Mmmm.... So much I can say. Some words I'm afraid to say...because of past experiences...


Its been 3 weeks now. Of amazing... Three weeks of amazing.

Ugh, I don't know!! I don't know how to say this one!!

I'm just waiting til you come online, I guess..

Watch how easy it'll be then.

Yours, baby boy.


Dear Aaron,

Okay. This time I've got it.

I get depressed over small random things that happen in my day or things that have happened in my overall life. But when you come online, that all goes away...Even if we're rarely online at the same time. XD

But this relationship is so different...Well, I guess you could call it a forced relationship, right? Since I've claimed you, just out of the blue. (You're mines. :3) Kidnapped you and won't let you go. XD But you're different from all the rest so far...Being with you is so easy. I feel so at ease when I'm with you.

Its actually such a shame I cant actually kiss and touch you, I cant hold your hand and snuggle up to you... :( Oh, and do plenty of other things to you ;)

I think I'm crazy cuz I haven't ever said this to you - but I'm crushing on you. So hard. Even though we're together, its like you're...ugh, I don't know. Its like...I haven't really GOT you. I'm still chasing you with hearts in my eyes. XD That's what I wanted to say but I couldn't find a way to put it in words..

You are soooo:







•Blushy :p





•Mines ;3


•Did I say adorable already?? Well, you're adorable times a million.

•Aaron (10 out of 10 XD)

Oh, wow. :/ And I don't consider myself as a very mushy person.

Well, this is so mushy and itsch all for chu. <3



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