Part 20 - Jordan

28 3 1

Dear JoJo,

First off? I love you. So much. We've only known each other about...maybe a month now?? But you've never failed to be there for me.

I mean, there are a lot of people who have given up on me when I needed them most, or given up on life even when I begged them not to.

But you've NEVER done that. EVER. You've stuck by my side from the start - that's a solid friendship. And I never want to anything to jeopardize that.

Although you think yourself useless, you have been one of the only people to help me realize that if I left, I'd be doing the most selfish and harmful thing I can do... So, even if you can't recognize your own value or worth, just know this fact: You are everything to me. Seriously.

I don't think this letter is making much sense, dammit... :/

Daddy, you deserve everything great that comes your way. I send nothing but positive energy in your direction. I wish you the greatest in life. You are a beautiful, overwhelmingly beautiful, person.

I love you to death.

Yours forever,

Teddy. :3

30 Part Letter Challenge - Lakatiel StyleWhere stories live. Discover now