Part 21 - Aiden

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Dear "Iden",

Hey, you've never questioned why I've taken to calling you that. "Iden".

Well. Hmm. *smiles softly*

We'll start with, "You know I love you, right?" Because I really do. I mean, I have to remind you, because I cause you a lot of pain on a regular basis. And for that, I'm sorry.

Between us, there's been a lot of pain, mixed feelings, crying, screaming, swearing... But, God, you make me laugh. *laughs softly* You're so amazing! I don't know how you do it...

I also don't know how you see through me. I'm transparent to you. I hate and love it simultaneously - it's a change. You're smarter than you act. How interesting... HM, love you!

I haven't really smiled properly in a few hours, it seems. But writing this letter is causing me to smile for some strange reason... Oh, and I'm guessing I can't call you a virgin anymore? Haha, busted. :p

How could I yell at you? When I was so broken, and you were the only one that could hold me together? Screaming along to my favourite songs in the shower, like the adorable fool you are.. Haha!

I swear, I'm trying to be careful with my words, I'm not being harsh. It's love, don't worry. You need to trust me, like I trust you...

Okay, so you're officially THE Bfffffffffl.

Haha, see you around, "Iden".

Btw, I told you it would benefit you to have your own separate account. I can't understand your motives behind refusing to get one. :p


30 Part Letter Challenge - Lakatiel StyleWhere stories live. Discover now