What made them have a crush on you

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When you asked to sit next to him in History class on your first day,
 three days after Charlie had returned to Eden Hall, he looked up at 
you and immediately his cheeks heated up from your beauty
"Yeah of course" he smiled. You tapped his shoulder lightly and he 
turned around "Can I borrow your pencil please Mr" you whisper and smile
"Of course little lady" Charlie smiled and gave you his pencil.

You were skating at a public ice rink one day with your friends
when Adam caught you between his glances at his friends, he
watched you start getting wobbly on your skates and knew you
would fall soon, smack, he was right and skated over to you. 
You rubbed your aching lower back where you hit the ice, when
you looked up and saw Adam holding his hand out to you you smiled 
and took his hand.


He was walking down the road with Fulton trying to pick up chicks one
night when he saw you and your friend walking while you ate icecream
"Nice night hey ladies?" Dean asked putting his arms around you and your 
friend, your arm bounced up in shock of the boy and your icecream got on
his cheek, your friend shimmied out of his grip but you stayed and apologized
"I'm so sorry" You smiled and wiped his cheek with your thumb, you looked up
 at Dean and Dean looked into your eyes, you got butterflies and blushed awkwardly
"It's fine" Dean smiled at you.


You were at the mall with your four older brothers, you were standing
in a store bored out of your mind since all your brother does is flirt with girls
when you walked by the change room and saw two boys, one laughing and
one being laughed at "Portman it's not funny do I look that bad" Fulton asked
 looking at Dean who was laughing hysterically, when Dean noticed you, he
walked away after nodding and smirking at Fulton you smiled and blushed
lightly when Fulton looked at you "I think you look pretty cute" you said 
making him blush.


You walked into the gas station because you wanted to get slushies
your friend dashed down the candy isle and you went to the slushie machine
as you grabbed a cup you noticed the cute boy and his friends walk in, they walked
over to where you were and started getting slushies too. You looked at the boy
who was short with black hair every time he wasn't looking, when the boys left 
you ran out with the shorter boys hat "Hey Excuse me" you shouted "the boys turned
around confused "I think this is yours" you smiled walking up to them "Thanks,
I'm Kenny" Ken smiled grabbing the hat "Y/n, we should hang out some time" you told
him blushing he nodded becoming a flushing mess and walked away

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