how they ask to be your valentine and the promise ring they buy

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Y/n's pov-

I walked down the street kicking the rocks as I stepped Charlie hasn't talked to me all day and some of yesterday did I do something? I walked up the front steps of my porch and went up to my room I hope he isn't mad at me I sighed and lay down on my bed and felt my eyes start to burn, tears slipped from my eyes for a few hours while I lay in the dimly lit room. I heard the door creak open and looked up to see Charlie with flowers and a little box in his hands aw "what's wrong baby" Charlie asked worried as he saw my wet eyes "I thought you were mad at me" I laughed through tears, Charlie walked over and gave me a hug sitting down beside me "I'm not mad...will I be your valentine?" Charlie asked I smiled and he shook his head embaressed "No uh Y/n will you be my valentine" he flipped the box open revealing a promise ring.

AdamY/ns pov-

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Y/ns pov-

I grabbed onto Adam's hand tightly as we walked down the sidewalk, the peachy golden sunset made his eyes look like stars god is he cute we had gone out for dinner and now were walking to our favorite spot to watch the sunset Big Rock, yes it's exactly what it sounds like, it's a big rock in a field with en open view. I climbed up onto the rock with help from Adam lifting me up "Aw look a bunny!" I smiled pointing at the fluffy bunny sat a few meters away, I got up and walked over to it slowly look at how cute he is, he looks like a...Frank! I bent down to get a closer look at the bunny I need to go get Adam I stood up and when I turned around I saw him holding open a little ring box and a smile on his face my stomach filled with butterflies and I blushed "Do you want to be my valentine?!" he asked with an arched brow, I nodded and leapt forward at him putting my arms around his neck and kissed him he kissed me back softly and pulled away resting our foreheads on each others.

Frank! I bent down to get a closer look at the bunny  I need to go get Adam I stood up and when I turned around I saw him holding open a little ring box and a smile on his face my stomach filled with butterflies and I blushed "Do you want to be my...

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Y/ns pov-

I flicked my eyes back to the t.v from my phone this makes no sense...why are they together? I furrowed my brows looking at the two main characters who hated each other literally five minutes ago and now they are making out okay..a knock on the door pulled me from my confusion and I sighed "Da- wait you're not home" I laughed  lightly and got up walking down the hall. I pulled open the door and it revealed oh Fulton! I smiled at the tall boy who held a teddybear in his hands "will you be my valentine?" Fulton asked and licked his lips nervously "I would love too" I smiled softly and latched my hand onto Fulton's pulling him inside, I gave him a hug and walked to my room and set the bear down on my bed "Ful-" I stopped talking when I saw him on his knee with a ring in his fingers my stomach fluttered and I blushed while he slid the ring up my finger.

DeanY/ns pov-

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Y/ns pov-

"That looks like you" Dean laughed while he pointed to the burgen, we were watching trolls I rolled my eyes and laughed as I leaned back into Deans body, he put his arms around my shoulders leaving his hands rested on my chest "Hey um do you wanna be my valentine?" dean asked out of the blue, I looked at him with shocked looks tracing my face "Never mind that was dumb" Dean said quietly and clenched his jaw in embarrasment, I sat up and faced towards him grabbing his face in my hands "Yes Deaney-bean I wanna be your valentine" I smiled softly, he looked at me and grabbed something from his pocket, he flipped open the box revealing a shiny and dainty ring with our initials engraved on the heart. I woke up to darkness around me I looked at the ring that lay on my finger and felt Dean pull me back into his stomach lacing his hand in mine.

KenY/ns pov-

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Y/ns pov-

I walked around the Walmart with Kenny beside me as we laughed at the dumb joke I told, I grabbed a pillow off the shelf and hit him with it, Kenny looked at me astonished at what I had done and smirked "Oh wow Y/n you better watch out" Kenny grinned and grabbed a pillow and hit me back, my one action started a full pillow fight at the end of the aisle. Kenny hit the pillow out of my hands with his hand "Cheater!" I called through laughs "Okay I'll wait for you to get it" Kenny smiled putting his pillow on the floor, okay I turned around and started walking to where my pillow was thrown to, I bent down and picked it up I turned around and saw Kenny on his knee with a ring box open and a fake rose in his hand from the shelf beside him I beamed as I walked toward him "Will you be my valentine Y/n?" He asked softly with a small smile, I nodded and he stood up putting the ring on my finger and bringing me into a hug.

 Kenny hit the pillow out of my hands with his hand "Cheater!" I called through laughs "Okay I'll wait for you to get it" Kenny smiled putting his pillow on the floor, okay I turned around and started walking to where my pillow was thrown to, I be...

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