pranking them/ pissing them off for a joke imagines

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It was Charlie's birthday coming up so you decided it would be funny to "forget" about his birthday. The Thursday morning rolled around and you got up and started getting ready for school, Charlie appeared in the bathroom doorway and leaned against it for a few minutes watching you curl/ straighten your hair "Hey good morning baby, guess what," Charlie asked you excitedly in his morning voice that sent shivers up your spine "Uh I would love to but I have to get going, love ya" You told him as you squeezed by him and quickly dashed for the door while he chased after you. You had been ignoring Charlie all day at school and couldn't feel any worse than you did, you got home from school and quickly fluffed up the tissue paper on the gift you bought him an NHL jersey for the Minnesota Wild Kirill Kaprizov, you heard a knock on the door and walked over leaving the gift on the dining table Charlie pushed the door open the second it was unlocked and walked in "Woah hey Charlie what's up?" "What's up? What's up? You've got to be kidding me, I mean you ignore me all day, don't even kiss me, o-or touch me, and you didn't even say-" he stopped talking when he saw how much you were laughing, he couldn't stay serious "I'm sorry Charlie, I-i just t-thought it would b-be funny," You laughed out hardly breathing over how mad he got He looked at you and then behind to where his gift was "I-i u-uh"  "I love you so much, I could never forget. I love you Charlie happy birthday" you told him and grabbed his neck having him quickly melt into you and kiss you.


Adam has been busy writing exams all week since it is almost the end of this school year, if you know Adam you know that he studies like a machine and doesn't stop until the test starts. It felt like Adam had been ignoring you and quite frankly he was a little but he didn't realize, you missed being able to hug him and lay in bed with him while drifting off to sleep instead of watching him grow impatient with you after a few words you had said or waking up to see him asleep on his desk. Of course, there were plenty of options to get him to talk to you but you only saw one, get injured. Not severely but just bad enough to need him to care about you for a few hours. You walked into the bathroom and picked up your hot curling iron, you wanted to curl your hair but knew you wouldn't get out of the room without a small burn so you exaggerated this one. You picked up the last strand of hair right by your ear and accidentally touched the hot wand to your ear for barely a second, you yelped loudly and dropped the curling wand from your hand to the counter. You hadn't expected it to actually hurt but it stung and so you cried. You heard the doorknob click and Adam came in "Baby why are you crying what happened?" he asked you, you didn't say anything you just put your arms around him, he picked up and held you while your legs wrapped around his back "Adam I'm sorry if I got in the way again, I know you are busy with school. I didn't get hurt I just wanted you to care" you admitted, Adam's grip tightened on you and his mood went sad "I'm so sorry angel, I never meant to do this to you. I love you" he told you "I love you,"


Almost every night Dean had been going out with his friends, and you weren't allowed to come because "You're a girl and it's just us guys having fun," Dean reminded you again over the phone "Okay sorry, I'll see you tonight?" "About that, I made plans with Fulton sorry," he told you and hung up the phone. Alright then if he's gonna play with me I can play with him, or at least pretend to. An hour passed and you texted Dean 'I'm going out with friends, ttyl xx' You smirked as Dean read it doesn't feel all that great Dean does it you walked over to the diner where you said you'd meet Connie and Julie for a few hours. Connie and Julie laughed while you cackled at Fulton blowing up your phone still, "What is he doing!?" Connie nearly shouted through laughs "He's so stupid" Julie cried out through her giggles, you were almost crying you were laughing so hard "Put a photo of Kenny's side profile without flash on your private story and say 'guess who?' it will get such a rise out of him" Connie suggested Kenny looked at me and sighed before laughing again as you took the photo and posted it to your private story with the caption. You were laying in bed reading when a loud knock made you flinch, you walked down the stairs good thing it's only nine so it's not fully dark yet, you opened the door and Dean stormed in "Where were you? And why weren't you answering me?!" he said loudly, you put your hands on his arms and pulled him close to you "Baby I was with Connie, Julie, and Kenny. That photo was Kenny and it was Connie's idea. Doesn't feel great to know shit when the love of your life is out doing god knows what," you told him angrily, he looked at you and realization hit him "It was a prank baby okay I love you, but now you know how I feel when you don't answer me when you're with your friend group all the time." you laughed, Dean hugged you tight and kissed you a bunch. 


Fulton had been on his phone a lot more recently which meant him watching pointless youtube videos or playing games was taking away your time, so you decided to take his phone and hide it one day. Fulton was in the shower when you noticed his phone on your bed beside you, you grabbed it and smirked quickly running out of your room to hide it. You couldn't figure out where to put it so you put it on silent and slipped it into your bra, you were wearing one of his hoodies on top so you couldn't see anything and it looked normal. You could hardly contain yourself as Fulton came out of the bathroom after twenty minutes in only sweatpants looking for what you knew was his phone "hey baby have you seen my phone?" he asked "No I thought you took it into the bathroom with you," You told him surprised of his poor memory that wasn't even real "Maybe," he said lowly and walked back to the bathroom, you threw your hand over your mouth and started giggling but returned your composure when you heard him coming back. After a few hours, he was mad now, but you weren't gonna give it up yet "Baby please come lay with me," You whined sadly, Fulton sighed and walked down the hall to your room again he laid down and put his head into your chest after wrapping his arms around you. You were playing with his hair when he started talking about his phone again "I don't get it, I don't know where it is," Fulton said angrily, "I don't know. Maybe it's good, ya know you are always on your phone anyways," you told him, he looked up at you and scoffed "am not, I am not on it right now!" he scolded "yeah cause I took it," you said like he was stupid. He looked at you "Where is it?" he asked "I don't know come and find it," You teased. 


Kenny had asked you to go to the hockey shop and buy a new stick since he broke it at a game, of course, he gave you the money to buy one but you had a better idea. You walked into Hans's skate shop and started looking at the sticks, you knew which one he wanted so you grabbed that one but when Hans came walking over with the stick you called about you grinned widely "I don't know why you would want a bright pink stick that is your height and not Kenny's but here you are little lady," He smiled and handed you the stick "Thanks Hans, I'm just pranking Kenny so I'm gonna show up at the game tomorrow with this stick for him, but also bring this one that he wanted but not tell him," I explained, Hans looked at me and started laughing while shaking his head "Oh Y/n, please get the other one too," he begged with a laugh and walked back to the front of the store. It was now a game day and I showed up at the rink to watch Kenny and the Eden Hall Ducks play but also to bring him his sticks, or shall I say stick. I laughed quickly and then took a deep breath before walking into the locker room to find Kenny, Connie, and Julie looked at me and started giggling since they knew my plan. I tapped on Kenny's shoulder and he turned around, he looked at me and his mouth fell open but he tried to cover up with a smile "Hey I brought your stick" you grinned at him, and he gulped and grabbed the stick from your open hand "Uh T-thanks darling, It might be a bit short but It will work," he nodded trying to make me feel better, I looked at him sadly and chewed my lip "Oh I'm sorry," you told him quietly and shied down a bit "No no it's okay come here," he ushered you to follow him out of the locker room, you could hardly keep a straight face but he was being so cute now too "Don't be sorry baby you didn't know, I should've told you what my height was," he tried making you feel better but you were now laughing at his expressions on his face when he looked at the stick "Kenny, Kenny look at me," I grabbed his cheeks and started laughing "I'm not an idiot I know what stick you play with, I thought it would be funny though so I got that one. Your stick is already on the rack in the bench," I smiled, he grabbed me "oh thank god," Kenny grinned and spun me around while we laughed. 

( Heyyyy guys sorry I pulled a coach Bombay on ya, I have been busy with school and hockey training lately. Pls give requests on imagines and stuff so I will have motivation. Love youuuu bye)

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