Fear they tease you for

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One day you guys were hanging out at home just watching movies in bed because it was Adam wanted a drink and so did you. You sighed and walked out of your bedroom to the top of the stairs, looking down at the dark abyss that you know led to your living room made you feel sick. Adam now makes fun of you about your fear of the dark


When you guys where on a walk during the day a bunch of birds where flying around since it was sunny, a bird flew down and landed on the sidewalk in front of you, you scrambled behind Charlie after letting out a shriek. You never hear the end about that day.


You were helping him clean the basement at his house, it wasn't all that bad just some boxes  and you thought it'd be a nice hangout down there. You moved a box and a spider quickly crawled down the side of it, you screamed loudly and jumped up on Fulton's back without second thoughts. He makes it his mission to make sure you never go a day without being made fun of.


You were about to go swimming in the pool, of course there is no such thing as a pool shark but every time you'd face away from one side of the pool you'd freak that there was a shark following you. Dean found out and makes fun of you about it.


You're afraid of heights. There it's said, but Kenny is not and is a junkie for height rides at amusement parks. So with the opportunity of being at a very nice theme park, Kenny of course dragged you to the highest roller coaster ever. You were shitting yourself just thinking about it and when Kenny saw you crying after he pulled you into the line up, he laughed at you, he comforted you but he makes fun of you.


You guys were at a party, of course at a party there will be drinks and you were never one to be fond of drinking but after a few hours you decided what the hell. You drank but not too much but enough to make you sick and hungover for sure. It was the next day and you were freaking out knowing you would need to puke. You were stressed because you felt sick but now also sick because you are stressed. Guy laughed at you for hours mimicking your cries. He thought it was funny and eventually you have become used to it.


You had trypophobia, a fear of holes. You guys were making pancakes when a bunch of bubbles formed across the top making you feel sick and your fight or flight be triggered. Luis asked what's wrong and you told him, he laughed his ass off at you and started making circles with his hands and smothering you before you smacked him square in the face. You felt bad but he deserved it. He occasionally and by occasionally I mean always makes circle shapes with his hands to bug you.

A/N : hey okay so if you have any of these fear as TWINSIES bc I am afraid of all these things. Also it's a two-fer one special today which means two parts. Slay the day all day every day. Another day another W decision. 🫶🫶😩

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