what you guys do at a sleepover/ photos too

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I started doing flips in the pool while Adam leaned against the edge, he isn't a very good swimmer. "Adam!" I grinned excitedly and swam to him quickly, you pulled him out to the deeper sections of the pool "Y/N NO I CAN'T SWIM!" Adam shouted and grasped at me putting his legs around me, I fought the weight hard to stay above the surface while he was freaking out "I can't *cough* breathe Banks" I coughed out and paddled us to the edge. After you guys went inside you made him do a facemask while waiting for your dinner to come, "Y/n I like this more than swimming," Adam admitted while he checked himself out in the mirror "I can tell, you look very cute," I told him, he pushed you up against the counter top and kissed you lightly.

 After you guys went inside you made him do a facemask while waiting for your dinner to come, "Y/n I like this more than swimming," Adam admitted while he checked himself out in the mirror "I can tell, you look very cute," I told him, he pushed yo...

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I put down my cards all in a line calling gin rummy, I had beat Charlie three times at the game so far and he was not impressed. He threw his cards at the wall "Y/n fuck you," Charlie groaned and pushed my cards off the table, I couldn't help but laugh at his immaturity and that really didn't help his anger "Alright I can't help it that I'm good. I will clean up the cards if you stop being a sore loser," I told him, he pouted in the corner while I cleaned up his mess. After playing cards we went into his room and I read to him, Charlie loves it when I read to him "everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt," I read quietly, and Charlie looked at me with a smile and kissed my cheek his look giving me chills.

 After playing cards we went into his room and I read to him, Charlie loves it when I read to him "everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt," I read quietly, and Charlie looked at me with a smile and kissed my cheek his look giving me chills

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I walked down the almost black street with only a streetlight and my phone's flashlight lighting things up, I was playing tag with Fulton, let me tell you it was his idea, not mine I saw him run towards me and fake me out running close to where his house was, I sprinted after him and I thought about how thankful I was I did track. "Fulton! Ow!" I fake whined, I didn't even fall but I planted myself on the ground to get him to come back so I could tag him "Are you okay darling what happened Y/n!" Fulton ran back worried, he bent down while I fake sobbed, he pulled my chin up and I grinned at him his worry faded quickly "Tag," I shouted and jumped up running away. The rest of the night you slept in his bed while a movie played in the background.

 The rest of the night you slept in his bed while a movie played in the background

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"Come on Y/n just a bit further," Kenny told me, I followed him through the woods thankful it was still light outside "Okay," I told him and walked faster so I could hold his hand, I latched our hands together while we walked "kay close your eyes, I won't let you fall I promise," Kenny assured me, I shut my eyes trusting him with my life "Open," I opened my eyes to be met with a view of the sunset that made my stomach flutter "Oh my goodness Kenny, you really do know a spot," I grinned while I looked at the yellow, pink, and red sky, Kenny walked towards me with a small smile, I reached up and ruffled his hair before he pushed our lips together kissing me softly and slowly. When we got back to his house we listened to music and he slow danced with me in the kitchen with only the light of the refrigerator making our outlines visible.

 When we got back to his house we listened to music and he slow danced with me in the kitchen with only the light of the refrigerator making our outlines visible

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It was late at night and Guy and I decided to go to the school park just down the street from my house, "kay I will be it first," Guy told me, he shut his eyes and I dashed up the playground ladder luckily the school had lamp-posts so we could still see thankfully. I carefully and quietly snuck around the playground while Guy searched for me, I thought I was being slick when I stepped onto the ground but of course, I had to step on a wrapper that made a loud crunch "shit," I mumbled "Grounders!" Guy shouted and opened his eyes, he was right in front of me and looked at me with a grin, I kissed him quickly and knotted my hand in his hair "Alright I think I can make an exception," Guy shrugged when I pulled away, I smiled at him glad he let me off easy.

 I carefully and quietly snuck around the playground while Guy searched for me, I thought I was being slick when I stepped onto the ground but of course, I had to step on a wrapper that made a loud crunch "shit," I mumbled "Grounders!" Guy shouted...

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A/N Heyyyy okay so maybe you can tell I didn't make one for dean, but I can't help it because someone- a little rat decided to make the most vile head cannons book about him that completely made me sick IT AM NOT BEING DRAMATIC IT WAS TERRIBLE anyways I can't make imagines for him anymore,

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