- Part One

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The sun was nearly gone, as you packed your things, about to leave your work. A goodbye left your mouth to your boss and co-workers when you left the front door of the restaurant. On your way home you walk past the park you'd always play in when you were younger. It brought happy memories, so you decided to walk through it today. It was the start of summer, and it wasn't cold outside. Relaxing air filled your nostrils. Making your way through the park, you stop for a bit to look at the pond. It wasn't huge, but it was beautiful. You remembered your sister always telling you to be careful near the pond, so you wouldn't fall in. Nevertheless, you never listened to her and one day you fell in. Smiling quickly at your memory, you continued. You swung your bag over your shoulder, as it almost fell off, resulting in you stumbling into someone. You both almost fell.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, bitch?" Upon you was a strange-looking man. He was wearing a purple suit with stripes, and a pink mullet on top of his head. You both stood up as you noticed the scars on each side of his mouth. You tried mumbling an apology but he looked at you in a way that made you freeze. Quickly clinging on to your bag, you yelled sorry, before storming past him. The guy turned around looking at your figure hurrying away, knowing he scared you. However, he would have taken back his worth if he had seen you before saying it. He felt lucky that you stumbled into him, now he could have a new obsession. 

As you entered your apartment you threw yourself on the couch. What a strange guy, you thought to yourself. However, it stays on your mind for very long. You had stumbled into many strange people before that. This, for now, was just another normal encounter. Deciding on what to eat for dinner, you made your way to your kitchen. You didn't feel the need for anything special, so you made a rather simple dinner, and decided to lay down on the couch and watch some TV. Your cat jumped on the couch to comfort you. You took her in your arms and started snuggling her. Before you knew it, you had fallen asleep on your couch. 

The guy who had met you earlier sat in company with his colleagues and fellow housemates. His unsatisfied grin doesn't confuse his colleagues, as they're used to seeing him like that. He couldn't keep his leg still, as if he were trying to figure out what to do. 

"Your whores haven't done a good job today? Huh, Sanzu?" A guy with short purple and black hair winked at Sanzu's displeased grimace. Sanzu didn't change expression. Instead, he looks at the jokester. 

"I'm done with whores Ran." Before getting any comments or hearing what the others said Sanzu left the room. A slightly surprised muttering was exchanged between the five guys who he had just left. The voice of Ran echoed in the living room. 

"What the fuck has happened?"

Hey guys, this was the first chapter. I promise I'll make them longer, but right now this what you get ! ;p

~ cxpzo 

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