- Part Six

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(Trigger Warning: Chapter including sexual assault & stalking)

Finally, the summer was beginning to shine through. You simply couldn't stand the cold, and you were excited to enjoy the summer. However, you still had to work every week, even though it was summer break. You didn't mind, since you couldn't afford to not work. You filled up your cat's food bowl before leaving for work. 

You checked in at work and immediately went on with working. You cleared some tables, right before the first customers entered. Soon you'd be caught up in your work for the next hours.

At last, your shift was over, and as you headed towards the wardrobe to get your things, your manager wanted to speak with you. You swallowed a gulp before stepping into the office. He closed the door and sat in front of you. The office wasn't very big nor fancy, but if any of the employees needed to speak with the manager, it'd be here. He looked at you in a way that made you uneasy and your eyes flew around the room, trying to look anywhere other than at him.

"I was thinking about your request for a pay raise. Now, why would you need that?"

"Uhm, I've been giving more shifts lately and the pay hasn't gone up, I'm working more than I get paid, so I thought it'd be appropriate." You try to explain, however, he doesn't look satisfied, and instead, his facial expression terrifies you. 

"You've been flirting with customers for better tips, is that right?" His question surprised you and for a few seconds, you fumbled with your words.

"No, where did you hear that?" You asked with a shaky voice. He shook his head and stood up. Tracing his finger along with the table, he quickly stood behind you and put both his hands on your shoulders. He began to massage them lightly. You forced yourself to look straight ahead, while you tried not to cry. The way his hands worked around your skin made every hair on your body rise. You tried to keep it cool, however, it was hard.

"If you want a raise, you need to work harder." His breath surrounded your ear, nearly making you stand up and punch him. You didn't and instead, he let go of his grip. 

"You're free to leave, Y/n." He sent you an indescribably creepy smile, even though it was the same as usual. For you, it was now seen in a different light. You stood up and hurriedly got out of there and went to put your jacket on. 

When you came outside it had started raining. You managed to walk for a few meters before having to sit down. You just sat there in the rain on the verge of crying. Your nails drilled into your hands, as a way of calming yourself down and not losing it. Bit by bit, you got your breath under control. Without any clue of you being watched. Not far away a man with pink hair stood and looked carefully at you. He watched you as you were trying to handle your breakdown, nevertheless, he didn't intertwine, since you'd probably consider running into him suspiciously. He never felt good about it though, already now he hated seeing you upset and he was keen to find out what had happened to you. His fist was clenched and if it weren't for his short nails, he would probably begin bleeding from clutching his hands so harshly. He stood there watching you for as long as you sat, and when you finally got up, he took out a joint and lighted it. With caution, he followed you, always being a bit behind. Studying every move of ours, he bit his lip, wondering how you'd look in his bed. The thought made him smile, and he felt the urge to take you and keep you a secret from the other Bonten members. However, he was devoted to following Mikey's orders. There was no way he was going to disobey his boss. Sanzu tried to find satisfaction in the fact that you were still his, just not his alone. A man was about to walk past you. Sanzu jumped to a conclusion and thought that the man would do something to you, therefore he started taking faster steps, but as soon as the man had passed you, he let his breath out. When have I ever been this paranoid? He thought to himself. He scoffed and kept following you until he saw the lights in your apartment turn on. He stood for a bit outside your window, getting a glimpse of you, about to change into your pajamas. He smiled tremendously until you went to draw the curtains. 

"I need cameras." 

As you entered your apartment, your cat came sprinting at you. You smiled and hugged her, trying to calm yourself down. You patted her head, and thanked her for being there for you, while you shed a tear. You went to your bedroom, about to change into pajamas when the striking impression that someone was watching you hit again. You looked behind you and saw that the curtains weren't drawn. You went to do that, and when you glanced at the street, a man stood there. You couldn't recognize him, since his face was covered by a hood. All you saw were his brown hair when he turned around and the hood fell off. He kind of reminded you of someone. You didn't know who though. 

A bit of a shorter chapter, but I hope you're enjoying the story so far. 

~ cxpzo 

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