- Part Eight

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Today was a Saturday, which meant no work for you. You got up and looked in the mirror, and thought about what to do today as you brushed your teeth. Your cat came running to you and you took her in your arms to hug her. She started purring and it made you smile tremendously. 

"You know I love you, you stupid cat." You laughed and continued to brush your teeth. After having poured more food into her food bowl, you glanced out the window. As expected the weather was lovely outside, and so you decided you wanted to visit the park.

Memories were running through your brain, as you walked through the park. The peaceful summer scent filled you up and energized you. Taking you back to the memory of you falling into the pond. Your big sister was so worried and got very angry. 

"Have I not told you not to go near the pond? I knew you'd fall in, Y/N." Her voice echoed through your head. It had been a long time since you had heard that voice. The way it sounded, it was soft and smooth with a slight lisp. You giggled at the thought. You reached a crowded area, where people were spending time on the open grass field. Children were playing, people were having picnics. Everything looked like a completely normal summer day. You decided to sit down on a bench right under a tree. You had sunglasses on but put them up as you started admiring the people around you. It brought you a sense of calmness, just being able to look at people, how they interact. You sat there for about two minutes before two guys walk up to you. 

"Hey there beautiful, how's it going?" One of them said while the other stood next to him. The one talking to you had a buzz cut and the other a very ordinary haircut. They were almost the same height, and taller than you. You swallowed a lump, before drawing an awkward smile on your face. 

"Hello. I'm alright."  You said in the most rejecting way, without getting rude. Probably because you were a bit scared of them. They were taller than you, most likely stronger as well. You didn't want to get on their bad side. 

"You want to go for a drink, Mami?" You instantly grit your teeth at his comment. For starters, it was 1 PM, no way you were going to drink now. Secondly, his way of calling you "Mami" made you want to vomit. However, you didn't know how to get them to leave you alone.

"No thank you, I can't."

"C'mon, it'll be fun, baby girl." The other guy started talking, as he placed his hand on your shoulder. Your body tensed up and you got up.

"Please don't touch me." You said stubbornly, and the men started to look pissed. Wishing you hadn't said anything, you took a step back.

"Don't be such a bitch!" The man with the buzz cut took you by your wrist, and you tried flinching but his grip was sturdy. Suddenly a different voice entered the conversation.

"Hey, don't touch her." You looked at the man's shoulder, where you found a hand with black nail polish have a tight grip. Looking down on the two men were Rindou. He was dressed more casually than usual. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" The man yelled at Rindou.

"Shut the fuck up." Rindou's hand came flying into the man's face. His nose started bleeding, and raw anger was on the man's face, but before he could say or do anything, Rindou's knee was deep in his stomach, and the next thing you knew the man lied on the ground. You caught yourself opening your mouth a little in shock. The other guy started backing off and begged Rindou not to do anything and he would walk away. Rindou stared at him, and the guy started running. You cleared your throat.

"Thank you." You tried smiling, but it only came out more awkward than intended. Rindou just scoffed at you and kept walking. You blinked a few times, making sure you weren't just imagining things. However, your eyes didn't fool you, Rindou was walking away from you. Your steps caught up to his, and you once again cleared your throat.

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