- Part Ten

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(TW: Includes sexual assault) 

You were about to fall, but luckily someone had grabbed your arm. Looking up you almost gasped at the sight. Your manager stood right there in front of you. 

"Hirano-sama." You hastily greeted him, whilst trying to bow. He didn't let go of your arm, and therefore you couldn't bow as much as you saw appropriate. You noticed your voice shake a bit, though it wasn't a surprise. 

"Call me Kai, y/n." You swallowed a lump, still not used to him using your first name. Nevertheless, you nodded and tried not to look into his eyes. He only tightened the grip around your arm.

"What are you doing out so late?" Suddenly you looked at him again, his eyes staring you down. You fumbled with your words once again and before you could answer, he dragged you for a bit.

"Don't you want to go get a drink?" Again, he gave you no time to answer and continued to drag you along. All you uttered was simply; "Uhm".  You didn't dare to scream for help, as you would have done if it were any other person dragging you. However, Hirano was your manager, and he had been acting obscure lately and you couldn't risk losing your job. You just needed this to get over with. He finally stopped dragging you, and as of now, you stood in front of a bar. He had moved his hand from your arm down to your wrist and started pulling you inside. You sat with him at the bar, as he ordered something for both of you. You tried smiling, making the air less tense. It didn't seem to work, since you were the only one who was uncomfortable. Hirano didn't notice your awkwardness or maybe he didn't care. Your drinks came and before you could take a sip, Hirano's hand grabbed your thigh. You looked down at it, as he squeezed it and you did everything to hold the tears back. He put his on your chin and made you look at him. His smile made you want to vomit all over him. You didn't realize, but you hated him. Deep down you always had a sneaking fear that he'd be like this, yet you didn't think it'd ever happen. 

"You're so pretty Y/n." You nodded and tried to thank him without letting your shaky voice get through, resulting in you not hearing the last thing he mumbled; "The things I'd do to you..." You took a sip of your drink, it tasted a bit weird and salty, but you didn't think more about it. It was probably because of you being uncomfortable in the situation. For a while, you just tried your best to answer his questions and small talk with him, and he soon ordered another round. Out of nowhere, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking up your eyes met a man wearing a suit, with slick back hair and a scar going over one of his eyes. 

"Akashi?" You mumbled. Hirano looked upon the man with a disgusted look.

"Who are you?" 

"Doesn't matter, I'm here for Y/n." Your eyes opened a bit out of panic when Hirano stared you down. You looked back up at Akashi, who had now tightened his grip on your shoulder. It didn't hurt and to be honest it felt mostly safe.

"Let's go." He said and you stood up. Just as Hirano was about to protest, Akashi made you go in front of him as a way of putting distance between you and Hirano. He could sense your anxiety, not knowing why, but knowing that something about Hirano made you incredibly nervous. You stood at the opening of the door, looking at Akashi walking back towards you. You caught a glance of Hirano laying on the floor trying, swearing and whatnot. 

"C'mon, Sanzu is looking for you." He put his arm under yours and started pulling you with him. This is when you started to get dizzy. Everything started getting sort of blurry. Before you knew you were placed in the backseat of a car. Akashi put on your seatbelt, before getting in the driver's seat. You didn't notice the vehicle moving, but to be fair, you didn't notice anything. You could hear Akashi talking on the phone, but you didn't care much for it. You only picked up on a small portion of the conversation. 

"I'm getting her to the apartment now, Sanzu." It felt like seconds before the car stopped and Akashi opened your door. 

"Can you walk?" He didn't seem nervous, however, he did act serious. As if he didn't want anything to happen to you. You nodded, but you both quickly found out you needed assistance. He once again put his arm under yours and helped you get up and into the apartment. You were met by Sanzu who had concern written all over his face, yet you couldn't help but smile and giggle as you practically fell into his arms. He hugged you back, sending Akashi a skeptical look. 

"She was most likely drugged." Sanzu let out a sigh as he helped you into his bedroom. You didn't pay much attention to your surroundings, so you didn't notice Sanzu change your clothes. He put you in one of his t-shirts. The door closed and you were alone in the room. You looked around, still feeling weird and hazy. For how long you were alone, you had no clue, but soon Sanzu walked in again. The drug hadn't worn completely off, but you didn't feel bubbly anymore. All you felt was extreme tiredness as if it was weighing you down. Sanzu smiled at you, trying to hold himself back. You looked so pretty and innocent... And tasty... You reached out for him, not knowing why, but in need of his comfort. He nodded and came to lay beside you. He started massaging your hair and gave you small kisses on the forehead before you fell asleep. 

When you woke up, everything felt weird. Everything seemed like a hangover, and even getting up from Sanzu's bed was a struggle. Wait... Sanzu's bed? And this is Sanzu's t-shirt?! You panicked and looked down at yourself. He had changed you before you fell asleep. How drunk were you yesterday? You don't even remember drinking. All you remembered was having one drink with your manager before Akashi showed up. You stood in the room for a few seconds, not sure what to do. Should you go into the living room? You felt extremely dizzy, so you thought to yourself that maybe the best idea was to catch a few more minutes. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep again. 

Waking up again, you had a worse headache than before. However, you were woken up by Sanzu's gentle hand resting on you. He smiled at you, trying to erase the shock he gave you. 

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" 

"I'm having the worst hangover ever." You giggled as you threw yourself on the bed again. You stared at the ceiling for a moment, then proceeded to ask Sanzu about what happened last night. He shook his head firmly. 

"We are pretty sure you were drugged."

"By who?"

"Good question." You broke eye contact as soon as you realized you had a drink with your boss last night. Could it really be him? He was a bit creepy, you'd admit, but would he actually go the distance to drug you? Shivers went down your spine and soon you realized one more thing... 

You were supposed to be working right now...


hey guys, i'm back with another chapter. enjoy.

~ cxpzo

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