- Part Seven

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Gentle and warm air met your skin as you stepped out of the restaurant. You looked down at your uniform and your feet. You had taken a short break from working because being with the manager got more and more uncomfortable for you since he kept invading your personal space. A bitter feeling gathered inside you, as you managed to not give in to the urge of wanting to cry hysterically. Right now, all you wanted was to quit and find a new job, but you simply couldn't. 

"Hey, y/n. Are you coming?" A coworker had poked their head out of the door while sending you a gentle smile. You nodded and sighed shortly before going back inside. Your work went on as usual, but you kept getting creepy stares from your manager. At some point it even made you forget to put an entire table's order in. You had to apologize many times since they were those types of customers to talk down to servers. It all became a bit too much and was way too stressful for you. Once your shift ended, your manager asked to see you in his office. Fuck... Once you both sat down you started apologizing for forgetting to put the table's orders in.

"I'm glad to hear you admit your mistakes, but your work performance hasn't been good lately, I might have to fire you." Every word of his pierced you. You fumbled with your words at first, but lastly, you got it together.

"Please don't fire me, I promise it won't happen again." You begged, and he smiled even more. At last, he nodded and told you that this was your last chance. You thanked him many times, not even thinking about who was really in the wrong here. You were so scared of losing your job and then losing your home, that you didn't care about him being creepy. You needed this job more than your comfortability at that moment, at least that's what you thought. You thanked him one last time before getting up to leave. When you stepped out of the building, the summer air hit your face and you tried your hardest to put on a smile.

"Hello there, sweetheart." A familiar voice greeted you. You turned to see Ran standing with a fancy suit on as usual. You were a bit surprised to see him but greeted him anyway.

"I was about to go in and ask when your shift ended, but I'm guessing that's now." You nodded, and he smiled gently. 

"Why did want to know?" You asked as you walked closer towards him. Before answering he looked you up and down. His eyes traced your outfit which was an off-shoulder blouse and some dark grey habit pants. Normally you would have worn a skirt since the weather was so nice today, but it was against the work dress code. His eyes met yours again, and he sent his expected charming smile. 

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" His question somewhat surprised you, however, he seemed more gentle than last time you met. You thought about it for a second. The uncomfortable echo of your manager's voice still roamed in you, and maybe you needed to get out and forget it. However, you didn't love the thought of going out with a man you had met twice. In the end, what occurred to you the most was the loneliness you seem to surround yourself in every day after work. You could use some friends or some company, and this opportunity meeting these men had presented to you came into consideration.

"Sure." Your answer made Ran's smile widen, and he bowed in an attempt of seeming romantic.

"Let's go then, sweetheart."

"Right now? I'm not properly dressed." He corrected his posture and looked you up and down once more, before nodding.

"As you wish." He then asked you to follow him to his car, and you did so. You had no idea how or why, but something about him made you trust him. Maybe it was his annoyingly charming way of behaving, any way you were looking forward to eating dinner with him. Basing it on his and his colleagues' constant wear of expensive clothing, you assumed where ever he would take you would be fancy as well. Most likely something you could never dream of. You got into the passenger seat of his car. It was an expensive car, that was for sure. 

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