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(AKA"Could I get a rewind? Get another chance, take it back in time? Cause I don't know what to do.")
Mike Wheeler was entirely disgusted with himself.
Since when had he found himself thinking Will was cute?  Actually, no, Will had always been cute. And it wasn't 'gay' to think that. It was just common knowledge. Kittens are cute, puppies are cute, some babies (but neither of his sisters- Holly was a demon when she was an infant,) El was cute, and Will was really cute.
But what he was feeling now, not normal. Will was cute but he had never been absolutely beautiful before. Mike had never stared at his lips feeling saliva collect in his mouth. He had never wanted to kiss Will's lips raw.
He shuddered.
It was just hitting afternoon outside, sun brightly illuminating the area. Mike stepped out of the house, breath coming out in single, heaving puffs.
He hopped on his bike with a simple location in mind. Hopper's cabin. Maybe seeing Eleven could clear his mind from this and- just shatter the unwelcome urge to snog William Byers.
Though as he pedaled away, he couldn't help but imagine what those beautiful lips would taste like. Probably Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, his absolute favorite. The boy couldn't get enough of them, so secretly Mike kept a party sized bag of them under his bed. In case of emergencies? Maybe Will would have a layer of chapstick on, and then his lips would be even softer and sweet looking.
"Shit!" He wailed, collapsing to the pavement. His bike with him. Mike groaned as he could feel the blood rushing to his patchy elbow. The ravenette hardly recognized when tears collected in the corner of his eyes, and it wasn't from the scratch. No, it was 'cause he felt utterly revolted by himself.
"Mikey?" A quiet voice murmured quietly. Mike turned with a wince to face none other than Eleven Hopper. He shifted his body upright and immediately wiped away the tears with haste.
"Uh, hey El! I'm here- first thing like I promised yesterday!" The boy grinned fakely, El was sometimes oblivious to any signs of dishonesty. Yet, when she wasn't- the teen was brutally correct in her assumptions.
She just smirked this time, though, and grabbed her boyfriend by the wrist, dragging him inside the cabin with her. With ease they slid past a snoozing Jim Hopper and into that little cyan-walled room with stacks of Polaroids just laying everywhere. Ever since Mike had taught her to use one, she just couldn't get enough of watching that little blank card slip out from the camera and happily waiting for it to show, (no matter what he did, El could never quite grasp the idea of shaking the photo.) She especially loved to photograph Max Mayfield. Dozens of pretty, and often blurred, portraits of the redhead were taped to the wall. And Mike wasn't even jealous, to be entirely honest, he thought they'd make a cute couple. Not that thats what the photos were implying, but if Max and El did become a thing, he wouldn't complain.
Instead the brunette grabbed Mike's shirt collar with a smug grin and brought their lips together rather harshly. The usual butterflies that camped out in his stomach when they did this had faded away, it was horribly and terrifyingly gross. But he needed to distract himself from Will Byers, maybe sucking face with El could do that for him. That's what he had came here for anyway, it's not like he actually went out of his way to visit his girlfriend three times a day if it wasn't. And it's not that Eleven wasn't interesting, per say, it was more that whenever he did come over, all she seemed to care about was shoving her tongue down his throat. Maybe if they actually hung out and talked, like Will and Mike did, maybe he'd actually enjoy her company. But she wasn't Will. And he wished that he could find this just as attractive as the idea of kissing his best friend. But when El dragged his lip out with her teeth and went back to playing 'tongue war' aggressively, he gagged. And Mike Wheeler immediately regretted it. With a tense air to it, Eleven pulled away, a string over saliva connecting them.
He alone wanted to throw up at that.
"M-Mikey?" She stumbled, anxiously releasing her boyfriend from that claw-like grip she had on him.
"I um- sorry El, I've uh..gotta go."
"Where?" The brunette questioned with innocent doe eyes, and he felt absolutely shitty.
"My, uh, my Nana- she's not doing too well." He lied with tense brows, his lips were puffy again. Just like they always were, and they shimmered with spit. It was revolting to think about.
"Yeah, um, so I should probably get doing now. Bye El!" Mike jumped away, not even pausing to hear her response before skidding down the hallway. Down the hallway and right into-
"Your lips."
"Your lips, their messed up again. You've been making out in her room haven't you." Hoppers form loomed over Mike's and his heart raced quickly- pounding against his structure.
"I- um.. sorry."
Hoppers eyes widened subtly at the apologetic look on the teens face, but he narrowed them back down quickly and pressed forward.
"Listen, Wheeler, you've been using my daughter, and it's going to hurt when she realizes it."
Mike guiltily paused, if he didn't feel like a pile of absolute streaming dog shit before hand, he did now. This was just great.
"I'm sorry, sir, I'll try to stop. She's a great person and- I uh- I don't want to hurt her." The boy stared down at his shoe-less feet. And suddenly Hopper knew he was sincere. Something he rarely ever was. Because Mike Wheeler adored sarcasm, and nearly every remark he made was full of it. So Jim lowered his arched brows and gently rested his hand on the ravenettes shoulder.
"Need a ride home, kid?"
Mike Nodded small-like, suddenly feeling like a twelve year old again, and he wanted nothing more than to play D&D with his best friend.
Authors Note: I'm actually kinda happy with this one  ☝️

Little League (Byler)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora