
188 11 15

(AKA "We lay on the grass all day talking.")

Sweat clung to the back of Will's neck like annoying drops of dew. He hated the slick feeling of the droplets trickling down the back of his shirt and had the constant itch to wipe them away. The sun scorched the tight air, trees loomed far away- none of which shielded the kids from that central point of heat. Tiny strands of chestnut hair sealed to his face, clicking in place like cement. And it closed in that wide array of space they had, locking Wills breaths in place in a manner that reminded him of the eery harmonies of winter. He flicked his head behind him for a moment, immediately catching El and Mike way too close for comfort. His lanky arm crossed over her thin shoulders, she locked eyes with him giggling that sickening sweet laughter that Will hated with a liquor like poison.

"So Suzie, eh?" Lucas suggested. Really not what Will needed in that moment. He didn't want to hear more love stories, more 'the shoe fits' kind of tales. His mindset would have been different had Mike looked at him in that 'Shit.. he's pretty," kind of way Byers dreamed about.
"Yup, my love. She's Mormon Y'know? It's all a bit- Shakespearean." The lisped teen confidently strode, his arms wrapped around a bag of equipment. Which, now realizing it, Byers noticed Eleven and Mikes lack of helping. They were slacking behind, all of the others carrying something. Including Will, and he could admit it- he wasn't the most 'muscly strong manly man.' Arms cradled the bag like noodles. Wobbly strands of spaghetti.
"Mormon? No electricity?"
"That's the Amish you dumb ass, let Dustin continue." Max playfully hit her boyfriend, that tiny smug smile made way again. Dimples and all.
"They're basically super religious white dudes, and as you can see- I'm not one of them." The curly haired boy flaunted. Lucas stared in confusion.
"Dude- you're like.. the definition of white. You look like you've never even seen the sun." He commented.
"Okay well- that's not what I meant. I mean, I'm not super religious. Never have been, never will be. So her parents would hate me, like Romeo and Juliet." He paused.
"Star crossed lovers?"
"We get it." Max sighed, running her hand through her waves.
"How much longer?" Will huffed for breath, trying desperately not to seem annoying. That wasn't the trait he wanted to be marked with, he just- Y'know.. this wasn't his 'cup of tea.' Struggling to climb to the top of a hill just to meet Dustin's alleged girlfriend.
"Just a few more minutes and we'll be at the peak!"

"Hey um guys- me and El are gonna drop out. She's got curfew." The 'lady's man' himself cut in. Mike Wheeler glanced towards William with that stupid awkward smile again. And Wills swamp like eyes rolled irritably around, and he tried to bite his lip as a way of coping with this stupid pain he felt whenever Mike did that. Stupid.
"Really?! Mike were literally almost there- can't you just wait a few minutes before shoving your tongue down El's throat?!" Max groaned catching the desperation in Dustin's eye when he tried to understand what the hell was happening. The bull cut wearing boy flinched at those words. He knew it was true, he did. He wasn't blind. Yet at the same time hearing the sentence that confirmed it sucked.
"That's not what we're doing!" Mike spat in return- he was rather defensive for somebody who usually flaunted his girlfriend about like some type of badge. 'Watch out gents, ladies man is here," is what it would say.. if he had a badge- that is.

But that's not what Wheeler seemed like now. No, he seemed disgusted by the idea of doing that- as if they hadn't clearly made out multiple times since the theater.
"Oh sure. That's totally not what you're doing." The spitfire girl shot back. Her freckled arms crossed over her torso in that usual 'cut the crap' kind of manor.
"Shut up! Just shut up, shut up, shut up!" Mike burst suddenly, tears scabbed away at his eyes and he quickly wiped them away.
"Mike?" Byers cut in, entirely taken by surprise.
"We're leaving. To talk." He quickly grabbed El's hand and turned around.
"To.. talk?" El murmured in surprise.
What was going on with Mike?!
- - -
And it was much easier said than done. Talking to El was like talking to a puppy- but.. a puppy that could kill you. When the latch sealed and her bedroom door has shut, Hopper was at the station- probably scolding some old lady for getting her cat stuck in a tree, El immediately tried to jump onto Mike, she fisted his collar and pulled his chapped lips to hers. Wheeler scrunched up his face in disgust and shoved her away.. gently though. He'd never actually hurt her, despite popular beliefs, Mike Wheeler wasn't a total asshole.
"El, we need to talk."
"Can't we talk later?" She sighed, carding her fingers through those shaggy brown waves in pure exasperation.
"Mhm.. later, Michael." She murmured kissing lightly at his cheek, and at his dimple- which would've been cute had it not been from the brunette. But he came to the conclusion that he didn't want to hurt her now- plus.. he could deal with using her as a coverup of his feelings. And so he sighed and met her lips with his, gently allowing his girlfriend to enjoy this while it lasted. As for him- he just pictured it being somebody else at the other side of his face.

Somebody else.

He kept his eyes lifted at a self portrait Byers had made. Another one of him as his D&D character, Mike simply imagines kissing that somebody instead. He slammed his eyes tightly shut and tried to meet El's desperation for just a little while longer, he supposed.

Authors Note- Dude, the ending of this chapter sucked but I was desperate to get it out tonight. At 12:40 am. Because I can't sleep. I feel down the stares today because of my drowsiness which was really fun. But I'm okay- just some bruises.
Anyway on a different note!
I realized I had unknowingly been following bylerloml on tiktok for a few days.. ahaha- when I tell you I started happily screeching because I mean.. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?! Anywaysss yeah! That's exciting!

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