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(AKA, ".. And everybody's telling me to act my age
I never thought that everything I had would fade away.")

"Will?" The boys gentle voice fluttered into focus and Will desperately turned away, trying hardly to just- move on from that whole conversation. Talk about something else.
"So uh- ahah! I'm sure we've got some time before out siblings get here, so we could watch something now."
"Will.. can we talk about what just happened?" Mike tried again, his hand reached out to grab onto the bull-cut-wearing-friend's shoulder. Byers quickly winced away.
"Dude! What's wrong? I'm your best friend! I don't see why you can't tell me who you like!" Wheeler was quickly growing irritated by this, why didn't Will trust him enough to tell? He got the fact that they hadn't spoken as much lately- but that didn't mean that Mike had been neglecting his best friend.. right? I mean- Will still knew they could talk. Right?
"Mike uh- I think you should go."

"No! Will, it's pitch black out I told your mom I was watching over you tonight. I'm staying."
Byers groaned in utter frustration and rolled his hand through his chestnut hair.
"Fine then, if you're going to insist on staying the night.. we're going to talk about something else." So he shuffled around, spaghetti arms searching through cd's and random junk he could distract the other with. They weren't to secure on money so he hadn't gotten anything new recently, that lowered his options a ton.

"I don't know why you don't trust me anymore! Just a few months ago you wouldn't have any problem telling me this kind of stuff! What the hell did I do wrong?!" Mike snapped back. Immediately Will stood back to his feet and glared down at his best friend, an accusing finger at his chest.

"What did you do wrong?! What did you do wrong?! Oh, let's start! After being abused by my shitty dad, sucked into an alternate dimension, and possessed- you ignore me for months on end and now all of the sudden you want to 'hang out!' How the hell am I supposed to 'hang out' with someone who abandoned me and Dustin especially, but also the rest of the party just so you can go suck face with your girlfriend. Tell me- how?! Friendships great and all but have you ever thought about how it might wear it down a bit to be alone for half a year?! Have you ever thought about how much it breaks me to see you and her making out and cuddling and ignoring everybody else because you're 'so in love.'"
And Will had burst suddenly. All of that clogged up mucus spat itself out right onto Mike Wheeler, who stared up at him in utter disbelief and senselessness.

"Why does that make you so mad?! Can't I just be happy?! All I did today was try and get you to admit your crush so you wouldn't be so lonely and this is how you respond?!"

"Maybe I have a crush- sure! But you're forcing it out of me like some type of demon! I already feel sick, no need to make me feel worse with your stupid 'Cupid' act."

"Yeah?! Well I'm just trying to make things better for you! Set you up so you're not so alone and whiny! Stop pitying yourself and just find someone already! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike scoffed, and then his eyes widened abruptly as if just processing what he said. What he did.

Will stood frozen to the wooden panels, tears prickling at his moss eyes.

"Look- Will.. shit man, I'm not trying to sound like some type of jerk. Okay? I never want to hurt you and I'm trying to help out!" His voice quivered in regret, but Will chose to ignore it.

"Mike- I think you should leave."

"Will.. please."

"Leave or I will."

"Fine I'll take that as your answer- I'm heading over to Dustin's. You can stay here if you want, I don't care." Without any further conversation, Byers had fled the scene. Nothing but a toothbrush and his acne medication with him. The teen didn't dare listen to any of Mike's pleads and attempts to apologize, he just sped out the door and scooted onto his bike. Rain had begun to pour down outside, trees leaked with overflowing water and Will's hair was weighed down to his face. Wheeler sprung through the door, begging desperately as he had been doing for the past five minutes. With tears pathetically bulbing in his eyes, he rode down the slick pavement. His heart pulsed in his throat. Choking back the tears and nausea, a single helpless salty tear dribbled down his cheek as he cursed the low situation he was in. As the wheels seamed against the road, his moss eyes flickered down to the chapped fingers that clutched onto the handles. He had been biting at them relentlessly lately, something he did try to stop but it was purely out of nerves.
And now it all seemed so stupid!
In a way it was freeing, his heart was shattered.. finally. Now that it was broken he wouldn't have to worry about Mike tearing it apart. He already did. No need to worry about something that's already happened. Will assumed this was just numbness, and soon all of it would melt into a sticky goo of despair. But for now that wasn't on his mind, rather he was catching rain on his tongue as the bike pulled into Dustin's driveway.
Byers slid off the bike and slipped it under the cover of the porch before ringing the doorbell lightly. He had to repeat five times before a curly haired, lisped boy peaked his head out of the door.
"Byers?! What are you doing here?"
"You still up for that sleepover tonight?"
"Uh yeah- sure I guess.. just come in already. It's pouring and unlike some people, I really don't want my hair to get soaked." Dustin hissed when a giant drop of rain landed on his hand, so Will hurried indoors with a small grin. One that was so unbearably fake that even the cat stared at him suspiciously.
"So, uh- what's the prob, dog?"
Authors Note: And here it is- the crashing down. I was hoping for some awesome climax or something but uh- ahah.. this sucked. Either way, here's that fight scene we all were waiting for.

Words- 1087

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