Chapter 28

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I woke up and turned on my phone. 12:41 in the afternoon. I grunted and rolled off of the bed with my phone still in my hands. It went off and a message from Kyung pops up.

"Hello sleeping beauty! I've been at the studio since 6 a.m. Im just checking in on you. Text me or call me if you need something. I'll respond back ASAP. See you when I get home." I read aloud.

I yawned and turned my phone off. As I laid there for a while, the scent of pancakes made it's way upstairs and into my room. I shot up, ran downstairs, and straight into the kitchen. Abrielle was standing there making chocolate chip pancakes. I looked over her shoulder and spotted a stack of pancakes on a plate.

"You know I'm pretty hungry." I said as I reached towards the plate.

She smacked my hands with the spatula causing a stinging pain. I pulled my hands back and started rubbing them.

"You could have just told me to wait."

"It's more fun hitting you with something." She responds.

My eyes narrow at her and I turn around and head to the fridge. I pulled out watermelon slices and started picking them out with my fingers and eating them. Abrielle looks over her shoulder and throws the spatula at me. It hits my hand and all of the watermelon slices fall out. My jaw drops at the horror scene right in front of me. Watermelon was everywhere in the kitchen and it's juices were right under it.

"Don't eat before breakfast. It will ruin your apatite. And pick up this mess from the floor would ya? I'll be waiting for you to join me in the dining room." And with that she picked up the plate of pancakes and walked to the dining room, making sure that she steps over any stray watermelon.

I sigh and start placing the watermelon back in its container. Once they were all picked up, I threw them out and put napkins on the floor so they soak up all of the juice.

"Hurry up! They're getting cold!"

I picked up all of the napkins and threw them away. Once I entered the dining room I sat in front of Abrielle and grabbed some pancakes with my hands.

"You know there's such thing as a fork, right?"

I nod and fold my pancakes up in a taco form. Eating 3 at a time, my mouth was beginning to dry up. My phone went of and I set the pancakes on the table. I grabbed my phone and looked at the notification.

Please come down to the studio ASAP with Abrielle so we can talk about something important. I need you guy here!

I stand up and wipe my hands on my pants.

"C'mon Abrielle. Martha needs to talk to us."

She gets up and we leave the house, still in our pajamas. as soon as we get in the car I take off and we soon arrive at the studio. We enter and see Martha sitting on a leather couch.

"We're here!" I called out.

"Oh great! Girls! I have something to talk to you about. Take a seat."

Abrielle and I sit in front of her.

"So the first photo shoot that you two did 3 weeks ago came out with good results. I sent them to one of my friends who lives in Germany. He is a professional and he can get you on a modeling runway in a snap. Do you know Claudia Schiffer?"

"Yes! She's so gorgeous!" Abrielle responds.

"He's her manager. Brünhild Kaiser (not a real person) is his name. He loved the photos and asked me if I would let you two free from your contract and start one with him. Since I want only the best for my models I told him that I will let you guys go only if you want to. You will be paid a lot more and be on things bigger and a magazine cover."

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