Chapter 54

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I woke up to a sleeping Pyo. The sun was shining through the blinds and onto his face. His neon red hair with dark brown roots showing was in a huge mess. Drool was gliding down the side of his mouth and his eyes were open just a little. I looked at his striking features in amazement as I ran a finger across his perfect jawline.

"Pyo." I whispered.

I continue to stared at him until his arms wrapped their way around my body. It caught me by surprise. All I could think of is how long we would stay like this.

"Pyo." I say a little more louder.

"Mmm." He responded.

"C'mon lets get up! It's morning!"

"5 more minutes.."

He buries his face into my chest and starts to snore. I sigh in defeat and decide to let him sleep.


I wake up and slip off of the bed with Kyung not noticing. I continue to make my way to the door and as I do so, hear his snoring stop.

"Skye?" Kyung calls out.

'Crap! What do I do. What do I do!'

"Where are you going?"

I look over my shoulders and see him still laying in bed with his eyes closed.

'Is he dreaming?'

I watch him in confusion.

"Are you going to answer?" He says groggily.

I turn around and head towards the door again.

"I'm talking to you..."

This time I freeze. The bed squeaks and the sound of footsteps begin to get closer to me. Then a pair of long arms wrap themselves around my chest.

"If you wanted to leave you could've just woken me up." He whispers.

"You were sleeping and I didn't want to disturb you."

"Well you did... Now I can't sleep..."

He pulls me into the living room and guides me to the couch with the remote to the tv on there. He turns in the tv and yawns.

"See look.. You're tired." I sigh as I look up at Kyung.

"If you want me to get some rest so bad then I'll do it..."


I froze when saw Kyung lay down with his head in my lap.

'Jesus this guy...'


'What the hell.. All I wanted was some sleep. Why is there noises coming from in here... Maybe it's just me.' I think to myself as I open my eyes and look around the room.

Abrielle was out of bed and was standing in front of the closet with her back turned to me, in only shorts and her bra. I instantly looked away and felt my cheeks getting warm.

"Hurry up and put some clothes on..." I mumble.

"Oh my god you scared me! I thought you were still sleeping... And done! You can look now."

My eyes shift back to her and she was wearing a plain white v-neck.

"Get dressed! We're going out to eat for breakfast!" She announces. "And take care of this while you're at it." She takes the black snap back off of her head and places it over my crotch. "I'll be in the living room."

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