Chapter 56

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I know I'm pretty late but oh. my. Jesus. Block B needs to have my children, ESPECIALLY Park Kyung. The new album is so good and so satisfying. I bought the album last week along with VIXX's new album... They should take over a month to get here.. I must troop through it like its nothing when in all reality, I'm dead on the inside. My favorite song and choreography would have to be Toy. Kyungs vocals give me LIFE.


"What do you plan on doing with the rest of your life?" I ask Jiho as I take a sip of my French vanilla coffee.

He scratches the back of his head and sighs.

"Probably something with music. If Block Buster takes off in a good direction with a ton of fans all around the world, millions of albums sold, and money rolling in then I don't see why I wouldn't want that for my future. It's something that I love and want to keep doing."

"Well yeah, but I mean like do you want to get married, have kids, settle down?"

He lets out a deep chuckle and shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm not really thinking about that right now. But maybe if I meet the right girl that I truly love, I might put that into consideration."

My eyes light up and a huge smile crosses my sun kissed face. Just the thought of little children around makes me happy.

"Soooo could I maybe babysit your future kids?"

"Of course Skye! You're gonna be their Aunt!"

It's a little weird when Jiho calls me his sister but at the same time it feels so right! I could talk to him about my deepest darkest secrets and he's always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. He looks tough but in all reality, he's just a goofy, sweet, and soft oppa.

I take another sip of my coffee and glance over at Jiho. His brown eyes are concentrated on the croissant that lies right in the middle of his paper plate and is staying warm from the sun shining through the window next to us.

"Are you going to stare at it all day?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"It looks to good to eat."

"Well if you won't eat it.." I grab the croissant and take a huge bite from it. "I will!"

His mouth slowly opens as he continues to watch me finish off the piece of bread.

"You little-" Jiho mutters before my text tone over rides his voice.

I pull my phone out of my back pocket and look at the screen.

Skye... I'm really sorry. Can you come back to the hotel room so that we can talk it over.

I clench my jaw closed.


What do you mean "Why?" I did something wrong to the person I love the most... Isn't that a good enough reason? I just want to try and fix it...

He ends the text with a broken heart. My heart stopped completely as I begin to type.

I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I put my phone on silent and set it on the table.

"That was Kyung wasn't it.." Jiho says.

I nod and try to fake a smile.

"He says that he wants to talk. I'm going to have to leave. Are you coming?"

Jiho shakes his head and says, "I'm gonna give you two some space. I'll stay here for a little bit longer. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

I get up and hug Jiho tightly while he kisses my head.

Once I leave, my heart begins to race. I don't want to talk to him as much as I do and it's frustrating me. All I need to do is listen to what he has to say and that's it. No big deal.

As soon as I enter the hotel room, I notice Kyung sitting on the couch with his head down and everyone gone. I sit on the other side of the couch, waiting for what he had to say.

Kyung takes in a deep shaky breath and lifts his head up so that he could look at me. When I saw his face, my heart sunk. His eyes were wet and red from crying. His whole body was shaking and his shirt was covered in tear stains. I reach my hand out and wipe a tear away from his face.

"Kyung? Are you okay?"

He looks at me and suddenly pulls me into a tight hug while he balls his eyes out.

"I'm sorry Skye! I didn't mean to hurt you! Please forgive me! I love you so much please!"

I didn't know how to react so I awkwardly put my arms around him.

"I know you're sorry and I love you so much too... But the forgiving thing is going to be hard for me to do."

His grip tightens sound me and he balls even harder.


I pry him off of me and cup his face in my hands. He's a big mess... I gave him a sympathetic look and touched my forehead to his.


My hands move to the back of his neck and I pull his face even more closer to mine so that our lips could touch. The kiss was sweet and passionate like how it always is.

"I forgive you." I said in between kisses.

I felt a smile on Kyungs face as he pulled my entire body closer to him.

"Thank you so much baby..."

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