Luke Imagine

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A/N: I know I've been making a lot of luke and jai imagines, but the next one will be the rest of the boys, I swear❤️😂 hope you like this imagine.

•Imagine this• (A/N: you're a model, everyone knows. Btw)

I was in the park on the swings, listening to Helplessly by Tatiana. Some one taps me on the shoulder, I look up to see the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on.... Brown curly hair, brown eyes and he had a lip piercing.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said

"Umm.. This may be weird but, you're beautiful, I couldn't help but come talk to you." He says shyly
"Oh and my name is Luke by the way"

"Aww thanks, and I'm Y/N"

"Well what would you say if I asked you out?"

"I would probably say yes"

"Well... Would you wanna hang out some time?"

"Sure, just give me your number" I say smiling like the freakin joker 'I bet that's what I looked like....'

"Okay, I'll text you later" he says handing me his phone.

I put my number in and hand his phone back. We say bye and go our separate ways.


Luke and I have been getting along perfectly lately. And guess what?! He asked me out, we are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend!
Only Gina knows. I know kind of awkward haha. But finally today I meet the boys and Luke's brothers.
I get changed into my ripped blue jeans with my black crop top that says 'Biker Babe' on it with my holister (how ever you spell it) jacket zipping it up half way and put on my teal vans and finally curl my hair.

-Skip to car ride there-

"Just so you'll know, they boys' girlfriends are over also" Luke says

"Okay, do i need to know anything? Haha" I chuckle a little.

"No just thought you should know" he says chuckling also

We finally pull up in the drive way (I don't know what everyone else calls it.) as we reach the door I can already hear yelling... 'Oh boy' Luke opens the door and everyone stops and stares at me. Beau, James, Daniel and Jai are eyeing me up and licking they're lips like I'm some sort of dessert. (A/N: the girlfriends names- Jenna-Beau, Charlotte-Jai, Brittany-Daniel and Jess- James.)
They're girlfriends are giving me a death glare 'this is going to be the most awkwardest night ever...' Beau speaks up and says "Hi, I'm Beau" he reaches for my hand and shakes it and so do the rest of the boys, the girls just stand there ignoring me.
We are eating dinner, I was done so I excused my self to put my plate away. As I'm putting the plate in the sink, I can see all the girls walk in, I can obviously tell which one is the leader already.... Jess...... Jess whispers something to the rest while putting they're plates up. Just as I'm about to walk out Jess speaks up "Hey Breanna (A/N: I changed 'Y/N' into something else, just so she'll have a name). I heard you're a model." She says walking up to me "Yep" I say popping the P. "The rest of us girls realized when you walked in, all of OUR boyfriends were looking at you all lovely dovey." She says over exaggerating the word 'our' "And we want you to stay away from them or else..." Jess says in a rude and sassy way. "Well one it's not my fault YOUR boyfriends were looking at me and two I'm not freakin after your boyfriends, I like Luke... And for as staying away from them, I can't do that if they come to me or talk to me so therefore there will be no 'or else' crap. Thy can chase me all they want but I like Luke and only Luke, so you can stay AWAY from me and continue your lives and live happily ever after with your boyfriends and I can live happily ever after with mine..." I say with a little sass. I look back as I walk out the kitchen, they just stand there with they're mouths open "You guys better close your mouths, You'll attract flies" I say smiling. I get back and sit next to Luke. He whispers "You Okay?" "Yeah, everything's A Okay" I whisper back with a smirk on my face.

Let's just say the rest of the night went well. Me and Luke also had fun, if ya know what I mean.


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