Prank vs Prank (Jai)

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-Gone wrong! Plot Twist hehehe-

Jai has been pranking me for the past 2 months, he's scared me, dumbed stuff all over me, acted like he's cheated... But now it's pay back time *smirks*. I've asked the boys to help me and they were all for it, the plan is -> The boys send Jai to the market to get some stuff for a "Dare Sundays" and then when he gets back they'll all go to the gym but James, that'll give me and James enough time to set the prank up. I can't tell you the rest because I don't want to spoil it, you'll just have to wait and see.

Me and James have set the cameras up in the bathroom, aiming them at the door and the shower and at the top right corner of the wall and also in the shower here Jai can't see. I'm dressed up as a broken Carrie Doll with blood coming out of my head and down my face w/ one of Jai's big white shirts that reach my mid thigh. I hide in the bathroom closet near the shower and stay there until Jai comes to take his shower.

***Jai's Home***

I hear Jai walking up the stairs as zone of the boys text me telling me he's coming to take his shower. He's finally in the shower, there's a towel that covers half of the shower where the door of the shower is, Jai has his back turned as I sneak into the shower and behind him. I get behind him and start rubbing his back with body wash while making the creepiest face I can. Once Jai realizes what's happening he screams as he's turning around and punches me In the face "AHHH" "OW! OMG!" Then he realized it was me "Omg, I'm so sorry" all the boys run into the bathroom after they heard us scream "what the heck happen" Beau says, while I have my hand covering my face 'My god... My nose is bleeding and I think I have a black eye'. They all look at me and realize that my nose is bleeding and my eye is turning purple. After they all help me get all cleaned up and in our normal clothes, make up off, we sit In the living room down stairs and tell jai that I was pranking him. "So It was all a prank" Daniel says trying to hold In his laugh, "I'm never ever ever ever ever going to prank you again" I say giggling a bit, the whole room filled with laughter. Jai said he was sorry and we posted the prank on YouTube, and hung out for the rest of the day.' They were still laughing about what happen.. Boys. Tbh it was kind of funny, just wasn't fun getting hit hahha'.

Hello, sorry I haven't updated In a while, I've been busy and we had promotions and I finally made it to pointes!! Yass!
I'll try my best to update more <3

Bye Loves!

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