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3rd POV

"NO NO NO! I don't want anymore of these kid missions dad!" Naruto crossed his arms in an 'X' The Hokage sighed. "Alright, fine I'll give you a c- ranked mission. You will be bodyguard's on a Journey." Naruto jumped with joy while Hinata continued to read her porn- BOOK! She reads ICA ICA for the PLOT.

Sasuke smirked and looked at Kakashi. "Who, who! Is it a princess or some bizzly counselor!?" The Hokage smirked before speaking. "Don't be so inpatient son. Send him in." A drunk looking man walked in. He stumbled before coming to a stop. "What the!? A bunch of snot nose kids!?" The man took another swing of his drink. "And you the little one with the idiotic look on his face. Do you really expect me to believe your a ninja?"

"Who's the little one with the idiotic look on his face-?" Naruto laughed potting. Sasuke and Hinata lined up beside processing Naruto. 'Sasuke... Hinata.. than me...' a light bulb went off above his head. "ILL DEMOLISH YOU!" Kakashi held the struggling Naruto back. "You can demolish the client Naruto. It doesn't work like that." Hinata just looked at the man before looking back at Naruto smirking.

"AME FOR THE BALLS NARUTO!" She yelled. Naruto grinned while the other man in the room Paled. The man to a swing of his Sake before speaking "I am Tazuna master bridge builder. And I must return to my country. And I except you to get me there safetly. Even if it means giving up your life."

"YEAH!" Naruto yelled. "Alright!" He yelled again. "What are you yelling about Dobe?" Sasuke hissed. "This is the first time I ever left the village! I'm a travel now believe it!" Naruto grinned looking around. "Hey, am I supposed to trust my life to this runt? He's a joke!" Naruto stopped at Tazuna's words. "He's with me and I'm a Jonin, so you don't need to worry." Kakashi eye- smiled. "Can't we just go!" Hinata complained. The 2 genin nodded in agreement looking at their sensei. "Alright, alright let's go." He sighed.

'A puddle? System.'

[welcome player 1!]

"Party." Hinata muttered. A new screen pooped up. She Quickly selected Sasuke and pressed "voice chat" "Sasuke. There's a 2 people ahead disguised as a puddle in a genjutsu. I think Kakashi already figured it out." Hinata thought. "Thanks for warning me Hinata I will be on guard." Hinata eyed Sasuke from the corner of her eye. Seeing him tense she nodded to herself.

Hinata walked closer towards Naruto. "Hey Naruto, don't turn around ok?" She whispered. He nodded slightly. "There are 2 rouge ninja up ahead disguised as a puddle. When you get up there stay by Tazuna and be on guard." Naruto slightly nodded. Kakashi walked over the puddle getting torn to shreds by 2 metal chains.

Naruto quickly slid over towards Tazuna standing in front. Hinata and Sasuke grabbed there Katana's and ran towards. One of the men threw their chains at Sasuke, but Sasuke jumped above it and hit the mans head with the hilt of his blade, affectively knocking him out. Hinata quickly body flickered In front of the other man successfully dodging the metal chain and stabbing him in the heart.

Hinata pulled the blade out of his chest, she watched as The man flopped on the floor dead. Swinging her sword she effectively got rid of the blood that stained it. Kakashi jumped out form the trees and walked towards Tazuna slowly. "So kind explaining they at least Chunin level Ninja's are after you?" Tazuna was now sweating bullets. "You know Gato? Well he-"

I'm to lazy to write his explanation so after he explained why.

"Alright team! Should we go back to Leaf? Or should we continue the mission!" Hinata pulled Sasuke and Naruto in to a huddle format. Soon they pulled away and shook there heads. "We will continue!" Naruto grinned. Kakashi nodded motioning them to continue walking. Hinata followed after Kakashi at a somewhat slow pace.

"DUCK!" Kakashi suddenly yelled pulling Tazuna while Hinata pulled Naruto and Sasuke just dropped by himself. A huge sword flew over there heads. A man suddenly landed on the sword which in barded itself to the tree. "Well well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rouge Ninja form the village hidden in the mist." Kakashi finished eyeing the man.

"He looks hot." Hinata pointed out. Zabuza slowly turned around. "What?" He said stupidly. "I gave you a fucking compliment take it or leave it." Hinata yelled. "Hinata! Stop complimenting the enemy!" Hinata rolled her eyes. "After I kill the bridge builder I will take the girl!" Zabuza says grabbing the huge sword from the tree.

Kakashi quickly got In to a fighting stance. "TEAM 7 PROTECT TANZUA!" Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke both jumped into both sides of Tanuza. "He's over there! On the water!" Naruto yelled in awe. 'He's building up a huge amount of Charka!' Kakashi thought. "NINJA ART: Hidden mist Jutsu!" Thick mist began to surround the area. "Eight points..." team 7 tensed at the sound of a voice echoing through the mist. "Larynx, spine, lungs, liver-" Hinata grunted in annoyance.

"Your hot and all but if you wanna kill us just say so." Hinata said. "HINATA!" Kakashi yelled from somewhere in the mist. "Sorry!" She yelled back. Suddenly the mist was blown away by a huge serge of Charka made my Kakashi. Sasuke slowly brought the Kunai up but was stopped by a voice. "SASUKE STOP!" Hinata yelled. "Sasuke don't worry I will portent you with my life!" Kakashi added.

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