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3rd POV

"Finally..." Hinata yelled as a water dragon crashed down into the lake that she was standing on. Hinata quickly body flickered back to land. She clasped on the ground next to Sasuke. "You to huh?" Sasuke asked turning his head to look at her. "Yep." She said popping the P.

"Imma take a nap..." Hinata muttered closing her eyes as she turned to face Sasuke. Sasuke blushed looking at Hinata. 'What's this weird feeling..? I will have to ask Kakashi sensei about this.' Sasuke thought nodding to himself.

A few days later

"Bye Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke and Kakashi! Thank you for protecting me!" Tanzua bowed at the 4 man squad who was leaving. Naruto was slightly crying as he turned away. He had gotten quite close with Tanzua's grandkid. "Let's go Naruto." Hinata yelled dragging the crying blonde away from the kid.

"Kakashi-sensei! Permission to be Naruto's ass!" Hinata yelled raising a hand as Naruto ran back towards Tanzua. " decline can you summon your... friend to give us a ride?" Kakashi said not looking up from his book. Hinata kicked a stone muttering curses.

A huge roar came from the sky as Axel swoop down in front of them. "Finally!" Hinata yelled climbing on his back. Kakashi claimed on to signaling the others to also. Sasuke and Naruto nodded running up the wing and arguing at the same time. Kakashi wrapped his arms around Hinata's waist. She blushed slightly. Sasuke who was sitting behind Kakashi snarled.

"AXEL! LAND HERE!" Hinata shouted over the wind. Axel slightly nodded and landed a mile away from the gate. They all slid off Axels wing. "Thanks Asshole!" Hinata yelled as he broke into familiar shards that went to her heart. "Nice thinking Hinata. We don't want people knowing about... Axel." Kakashi said stepping foward.

Hinata nodded. "Let's go." Kakashi said turning towards his genin team. The 3 nodded and started to jump through the trees. "Team 7 reporting from a C- turned into A-rank mission." The gate guards nodded as Kakashi, and opened the gate. "Alright you kids can go home, also remember what is said. Don't tell anyone about the system." Team 7 minus Kakashi nodded.

A few hours later.

"Sasuke!" Hinata waved. "Oh hey, Hinata," Sasuke muttered. "What's wrong?" Hinata asks. "Well... my family... It's- Never mind..." Hinata gave Sasuke a worried look before speaking. "Can you come to my place around 4?" Sasuke Turned to Hinata And nodded. Hinata ran off happily.
Sauske raised an eyebrow before he sighed.

4 hours later

Sasuke walked towards the Hyuga compound. 'I wonder what they have to tell me...' he thought. Walking threw the door he jumped in surprise. "Happy birthday!" The Family shouted happily. Sasuke let a tear slip down his cheek before happily hugging then. "Thank you!" He shouted hugging his Family. "LETS OPEN PRESENTS!" Hanabi shouted happily.

The New found Family laughed. "OH, OH, open mine first!" Hanabi said as she gave Sasuke a Medium sized presant. Sasuke smiled before tearing the Warping paper. Sasuke's eyes widen in shock. "A- rank Fire jutsu scroll!?" Sasuke quickly hugged Hanabi before putting the scroll of to the side.

"OH! Me next!" Natsuko (remember it's Hinata's mom) handed Sasuke a small present. Inside was shocking. "A Summoning scroll!?" Sasuke yelled I'm shock. "Yep, it's for Hawks. It was my brothers before he died. This scroll is supposed to be passed down through the males of the family. But I see you as are family so I decided to give you this." Sasuke teared up and hugged Natsuko who gently rubbed his head.

"My turn!" Hisashi smirked before pulling out a photo of all of them together. . "Now I know this isn't much but-" Sasuke hugged Hisashi crying in his arms. "You know, your like a son to me so I wanted you to feel happy." Hinata smiled and joined the hug, along with Hanabi and Natsuko. "My turn!" Hinata ran to her room then came back down with a Beautiful Katana, even better than Sasuke's one along with 2 matching necklaces that are 2 cats, snuggled up next to each other like siblings.

 "My turn!" Hinata ran to her room then came back down with a Beautiful Katana, even better than Sasuke's one along with 2 matching necklaces that are 2 cats, snuggled up next to each other like siblings

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"It's a friend ship necklace!" Sasuke stared at it in awe. "Thanks Hinata." But it came out muffled in her shirt as he hugged her. "Let's have Cake!" Hanabi shouted as she dragged Sasuke towards the Table. Hinata giggled and Hisashi chuckled at them before following.

Natsuko brung out a chocolate cake with navy blue frosting decorating it, in black was written "happy birthday Sasuke!" "Make a wish!" Hinata said smacking his back playfully. Sasuke smiled happily as he thought about his wish. 'I wish to be Hinata's Boyfriend and be in her family forever.' Sasuke blushed as he thought. Sasuke blew out all the candles.

"That means your wish will come true!" Hanabi said smiling. "I hope it does." Sasuke said smiling fondly. "Hehhehehe." Hinata giggled as she flung a bit of icing at Sasuke which landed on his nose. Sasuke licked it off. "This is delicious." Sasuke said as they all laughed.

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