When You're On Your Period | Arlo

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RequestHeadcanons of Arlo when your on your period? (sorry if this doesn't make sense, english is not my first language)

-He tries not to overreact because he knows this happens every month and it's normal, BUT he has a hard time remembering it's normal when you are literally trembling because of how painful the cramps are.
-It makes no sense!
-Natural things aren't supposed to hurt.
-He keeps a damn track of your periods.
-He knows when they are coming better than you do.
-He needs to know in order to avoid upsetting you.
-You normally ignore his teasing and sarcasm, but not on those days.
-He fears you.
-He buys you some snacks and goes to your house to cuddle you at least the first day.
-He just wants to be there in case you need anything.
-He'll never admit it, but he turns into your personal slave whenever those red days arrive.
-And the truth is that he doesn't mind.
-Protective nature, remember?
-He likes to be someone you can rely on.
-It warms his heart.
-But that's a secret he'll never tell.

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