How They Dance | Arlo, John.

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RequestEllo😊Can you do the dancing thing for unOrdinary as well please <3



-Oh he knows how to dance.
-Trust me.
-However, I should be more specific on how he dances.
-This guy is perfect for fancy parties and slow dances, he's got the best moves.
-But if you intend on taking him to a party at a club... You probably shouldn't.
-Because then he turns into such an awkward dancer, it's just not in his blood.
-I'm not gonna lie, though. Being able to guide him while dancing and watching his arms attemting to move to the rythm is a cute idea for a date.
-I guess it depends on how you see it.
-He might see clubs as unclassy places, but will go if you want him to.
-Still, he's definitelty the kind of guy who slow dances with you randomly when he's feeling romantic, regardless of where he is.


-I feel like he's the opposite to Arlo.
-But also not quite.
-John is very likely not great at slow dancing, but not terrible either. He manages.
-He'd just be a bit awkward at it, I think.
-However, he's great to take to any party. All of the other girls will be waiting to get the chance to dance with him as well.
-A very fun guy to dance with, honestly.
-I also see him as someone who subtly dances at every little noise he hears.
-Or any song that may be playing at the distance.
-He might move his head forward subconsiously.
-It actually pretty cute.
-You can guide him in any sort of slow dance as well, he's a fast learner.

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